15 simple ways to boost SEO on your WordPress website

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15 simple ways to boost SEO on your WordPress website

If you want to have a lot of eyes on your WordPress website then your primary goals should be to pass information, promote the work, and sell products or to provide the best hosting across the globe. 

It results in building a user base you can count on and generate revenue.

There reside numerous methods to direct traffic to your website. Search Engine Optimization is a prime and the most used technique to do so. It is a collection of algorithms and strategies that help you rank your pages higher in search engine results. This helps to increase visibility and help your website to reach to the sky.

15 simple ways to boost SEO on your WordPress website Share on X

What Is SEO And How Is It Beneficial?

It is a wide collection of strategies and activities based on what we know about searching engines determining the rankings of a website.

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A website that has greater visibility ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERP’s).

High ranked website is considered more credible and trustworthy.

More useful and pertinent information delivery as SEO services focus on quality content.

With creating a WordPress website, you have already taken a valuable step and since the platform is SEO optimized for search engines you don’t need to worry about anything; even if you are a newbie.

There are plenty of easy and beginner-friendly ways that help you push your website towards the top of the rankings.

While making the list of the SEO strategies. We found out there are many in number and you can start with any even if you are too busy with other stuff; no need to do it all at once, things take time and few will help you accelerate your website’s ranking.

Recommended read: The Evolution Of SEO With The Ever Evolving Google Algorithm

This post targets on the most used search engine-Google. Google is an expert in releasing the most crucial information about its algorithms. The posts will focus on other search engines also such as yahoo or Bing.

Let’s throw some light on those ways!


  • Choosing your hosting provider carefully

The hosting provider you select is an essential step for SEO. A good host can help you accelerate your ranks of the SERP’s. Google takes speed into consideration while ranking sites and your host affects the timeline.

The downtime and the physical distance between your server and visitors are both the ranking factors of a website. Google enables HTTPS websites a small boost for the ranking.

Choose a host that is reliable and has reviews for his excellent performance over the years. If you already have a website, you can look forward to switching hosts, if your current provider is not able to fulfill the requirements.

One of the smartest and easiest ways to go is a WordPress specific hosting plan. Hire WordPress developers to get fully-managed plans that provide impressive speeds to a website.

  • Optimized theme for search engines

The selection of a theme of WordPress is a major task and rules out to be the most important choice that will make your WordPress website. Wonders to a website are based upon the theme- its appearance, layout, and functionality play a role in SEO.

The theme of your website can affect your site’s speed- a cleaner code gives your site a better chance in the search engine results page. So, now before picking a theme, you will focus on to build with a theme that is SEO optimized.

The themes on WordPress are generally known as SEO-friendly. Find a theme that is specifically designed to improve your SEO, it might include some of the new heading tag options and much more.

  • Always go for a dedicated SEO plugin

A newbie is never familiar with plugins that WordPress offers. Plugins are the add-on software that you can install on your website. They provide new features and functionality to your website. There are many plugins that are clearly built for the improvement of a website’s SEO.

The plugins focus on small, focused features such as creating a sitemap for the website. You can also go for a descriptive SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO – it provides you a whole package of optimization features to your website.

  • Transform your “Permalinks”

Permalinks are the permanent links that pinpoint your website’s posts, pages, and other content. Permalinks are used for reference and link back to the site and their appearance is important.

Clear, descriptive links that express the content are simple for search engines to make an impact and inclines to get a ranking boost.

WordPress offers you the number of automatic permalink options that are based on numbers; post name structures are the best as it communicates on the linked content.

You can easily change the permalink structure by visiting your site’s backend, opening settings> permalink and then it’s all done.

  • Sitemap creation!

It is a list of all pages and other content that is posted on your website. It is a glance to see how your site is laid out and what it includes. They are used to navigate websites and acts as a mode of communications that transfer information to search engine bots (also called crawlers).

A sitemap is a valuable SEO tool as it enables crawlers to see all content and the relationship between them.  the process of indexing the site becomes easy with this.

You can add a sitemap to your website by using a targeted plugin.

  • Use heading tags throughout your content

To make sense of your separate content on your website, you need to use heading tags. These heading tags can help you to differentiate between section heading within the pages and posts.

Using heading tags gives a structure to your content and gives a visual aid or benefit to the users. Crawlers, on the other hand, pay attention and differentiate them with headings that enable them to understand your content easily.

So, from now on don’t forget to use WordPress’ heading options.

  • Focus on targeted keywords

You must be fully aware of the concept and the importance of keywords. Choosing a keyword for each post or page in your content and using it in various places.

Usage of target words is a common method to communicate your topic to search engine crawlers and increase the chance of highlighting your content in relevant searches.

It is recommended not to stuff your keywords excessively as it feels to be unnatural and spammy.

  • Incorporate useful internal and external links

Search engines look at how well is your website connected both internally and externally to other sites.  Crawlers understand the usage of links throughout your links and can relate to similar content.

Other people also become interested to link back to your website which results in search engines to understand that your content is valuable.

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As the usage of too many keywords is not an option, so is the usage of too many links. If you will fill your content with too many links that will lead you to irrelevant pages or promotion pages for any products, then the search engine rankings will definitely suffer from negative aspects.

Try to fit links naturally and rush users towards quality websites. Use both internal and external links to achieve better SEO results.

  • Responsive design/layout of the WordPress website

It is very necessary for your website’s performance to be good on any kind of device. Nowadays, more people are using mobile devices to access the internet. so, it is a responsibility for your website to work seamlessly on every platform.

Google’s ranking factor is dependent on responsive design. Check out all the features of each theme and other SEO features as well.

  • Optimize the images

Images provide a visual aid and content to the users. They help in breaking up text and making it more readable for users. SEO have an impact depending on the content and the images. The quality and size of the image can affect your website’s loading speed. So, optimize your images before editing them to your website. Crawlers find the information that is related and attached to the image.

Two steps you can do for a faster loading speed are:

  • Optimize your image and other media
  • Give descriptive file name for your media
  • Long-format content

Google’s algorithms pay specific attention to the length of the content. Longer and clean content has a greater advantage because search engines consider it to be more useful. Another specific reason, crawlers can communicate via more keywords in your comprehensive content.

Long-formatted content keeps user engagement and result in increased credibility. Try to make your content in-depth as possible. Try the skyscraper technique for improving the existing technique by transforming the content into comprehensive and clear.

  • Update your posts regularly!

Remember, the frequency of your posts plays a major role in ranking SEO. If the content is stale and users get to read the same posts every time, they check your website- it will have a negative impact. Older content is fine but fresh content on your website will give a boost to your searches.

If you want your website to do consistently better in the SERP’s, you will have to add new content regularly.

Try to create a posting schedule for your website to keep the number of posts and the variability in the type of content of the track.

Keep your visitors engaged by providing them the content covering every vector. Don’t neglect older posts and pages. Update your old content as crawlers will re-evaluate it to give a higher priority leading to higher ranking.

  • Focus on quality content

Complex algorithms created by search engines focus on providing the users with the most relevant and useful sites scoring high in ranking. The other ranking factor may be affected overtime but the base always remains the same. If you wish that your SEO efforts should not go in vain then focus on the quality of content.

Other than long-format content, the quality in the content also matters a lot.

Try to figure out what your viewers want and try to deliver the content related to that. Remember, to cross-check the facts and proofread all the documents before publishing it to the website.

  • Nofollow the untrusted and useless links

A hyperlink with the rel=“nofollow” attribute on a webpage tells the engine spiders not to “follow” the link and the reliability of the page is zero and unguaranteed.

Adding a rel=“nofollow” attribute to a link assures that it avails no Page rank points from the page the link was posted on.

Webmasters set the unrelated links as nofollow. Such things include paid advertisements on websites with added links to the advertiser’s websites. Try not to follow such links that are unrelated to the website they are posted on and not useful for the search engines at the same time.

  • Use a caching plugin to speed up your blog!

A caching plug-in is a must for every WordPress website. The two main benefits of a caching plugin:

  • they make your website faster
  • reduce the loading time on your web server

Most of the caching plugins cache dynamic and static content that decreases the page loading times.

One of such plugins is the W3 total cache- it is a feature-rich with page caching, browser caching, object caching, database caching and minification options.  The major goal is to improve the user experience. If your website is faster then it’ll be good from the SERP’s viewpoint.


SEO has a number of strategies and techniques. Fortunately, you don’t have to become an SEO expert to rank your site efforts. Little efforts can make that easily possible.

Take some time and re-evaluate your WordPress site after implementing a few of these techniques. Draw out the result what are the things better for your site and what is not.

Ideally, you will see the results of a significant rise in the organic traffic level of your site. 

General FAQs

Is WordPress good for SEO?

The answer is yes! Once known primarily as a blogging platform, WordPress has built a reputation for providing a solid SEO foundation as a CMS—and with good reason. It’s not a coincidence that WordPress sites tend to rank well on Google.

What is SEO plugin for WordPress?

Yoast SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. It offers a complete website optimization tool that helps you improve your website. It lets you easily add SEO titles and descriptions to all posts and pages on your website.

What is a WordPress website?

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.