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Mobile-Friendly vs. Mobile Optimization What's The Difference

Mobile-Friendly vs. Mobile Optimization: What’s The Difference?

With the onset of mobile-first indexing, the market has flooded with the clients demanding for a mobile-friendly website.  A rise in the usage of mobile-optimized websites have been noticed since then, a large section...
5 Reasons Why A Mobile Friendly Website Can Help Boost Your Google Ranking

5 Reasons Why A Mobile Friendly Website Can Help Boost Your Google Ranking

In March, Google announced that they would be applying and employing mobile-first indexing. In essence, Google will only index mobile-version of websites and not the desktop versions.  Over the years, Google has been making...
Email Marketing Strategy 9 Tips for an Effective Email Marketing Audit

Email Marketing Strategy: 9 Tips for an Effective Email Marketing Audit

Sending automated emails to your subscribers is a cost-effective marketing tool, but are the emails you’re sending out the best they can be?  One way to highlight any problems or weaknesses is to conduct...