10 Tips for Improving SEO Content in 2020

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Due to this Corona pandemic, website owners have been facing a significant challenge. Apart from the unpropitious economy, the ranking of their websites is in great danger. Due to fewer online activities and adverse effects on digital marketing, almost everyone faces first losses. This situation has massively affected entrepreneurs and SMEs.

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But, now that the economy wheel has started moving slowly, we hope that it will be fully functional in the coming days. As a result, website owners once again must cope with the digital race still: invest in digital marketing to rank their websites. To help you understand how this strategy will work, PIIMS SEO agency gives you ten tips for improving SEO content in 2020.

Ten valuable tips for SEO content in 2020

SEO Tips

If you have your website on the Internet, you want to be found through search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, right? For this, you need to optimize SEO content. The competition is getting bigger. Due to this, appearing in the first search results is increasingly complex. The following ten tips are intended to optimize SEO texts.

1. Offer readers of your texts SEO content with added value

There are numerous measures with which texts can be optimized according to criteria relevant to SEO. However, all of them are lost if the content has no specific and related information. The primary concern of any search engine is to provide the user with the best possible results for their request. In the best case, the content has to be the answer to the corresponding query. If you want to create high-quality SEO content, you need to focus on each website’s specific topic and provide useful information on relevant issues.

2. Never, ever try to put duplicate contents

The beauty of unique content is that the readers and the search engines appreciate them. So much so that the websites are ruthlessly punished by Google if found any duplicate materials. When creating content optimized for search engines, it is essential to avoid duplication of content. It also includes your texts that should not be published multiple times on your site. Duplicate content affects individual sub pages and can also change the relevance and reliability of an entire domain.

3. Adjust the scope of your SEO content

Since the Panda update, the motto in SEO circles has been: “Content is King.” Earlier, text lengths of 200-300 words used to be entirely sufficient. But, today, you should create significantly longer SEO texts to achieve a good ranking. More content does not mean better ranking. Instead, search engines reward well-researched content with conclusive argumentation structure and accurate citations.

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4. Use a balanced keyword density

Before creating SEO-optimized texts, it is essential to define relevant subject fields for your website and research the keywords that are decisive for your topics, products, or services. However, when integrating keywords into SEO text, a balanced keyword density must be ensured. A distribution of 1 to 3 percent is recommended. To improve readability, repeating keywords should be avoided.

5. Structure SEO content through design elements

Not only is informative content and keyword density of a text relevant to the search engine, but structuring the content into meaningful sections also improves ranking. The main title and subtitles play an essential role in this regard. These are labeled with the HTML codes “h1” to “h6”. The most critical design element is the main title. Another way to structure SEO texts is to use bold text. These can be done by the HTML “b” and “strong” tags.

6. Use internal links to strengthen your SEO content

Search engine optimized websites can be used to control the flow of links in a web project and to reinforce the relevant pages of a domain. It should be noted that each link inherits a certain proportion of the link popularity of a website towards the link destination. With internal and external links, you must ensure that you use meaningful linking texts to make it easier for the search engine to assign the links to specific topics. It maintains the flow of links in its domain.

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7. Update your SEO content regularly

Even genuine SEO content will bring you little advantage if it is completely outdated. The search engine also uses the topicality of your website as a ranking criterion. It is almost impossible for web projects to rewrite texts or descriptions of products and categories at regular intervals. Instead, individual news sections, press areas, or integrated blogs offer the possibility of making new content available to website visitors at regular intervals. If you choose to publish your posts twice a week, do so every week and always on the same days.

8. Find trends to boost your content priority

You’ve seen that your content production should be geared to your audience, but you can also go beyond the information that you think your audience wants. You can understand what people’s main doubts about your area of ​​expertise are and can provide complete information on these subjects. However, you can also look for trends to develop texts that can attract more audience to your blog. One of the ways to find these trends is using Google Trends.

9. Master SEO techniques

After planning and developing your text, the time has come to publish it. If your goal is to appear in the top positions of the search engines, you need to know SEO techniques and apply them to all your content. These are the practices that will help you attract more visitors in an organic way to your website. It is essential to use links in your texts that take users to other content within your blog.

10. Review your texts

Good content production goes from planning the topics that will be addressed in your texts to the review and publication of these posts. Therefore, remember to review both contents, grammar, links, and even the images you will use to make your text look better.


Now that you know the ten crucial points to better optimize your SEO content in 2020, we recommend you to put these in practice. If it is possible to have someone else to do this part, we advise you to hire the best SEO agency online at affordable prices.

General FAQs

How do I check my SEO content?

1. Use Content SEO Checker
2. Enter your target keyword.
3. Get a list of LSI keywords to be used in your content.
4. Start writing your content with your target keyword and LSI keyword in mind.
5. Follow the suggestion given when writing your content.
6. Calculate your SEO Score and optimize until you get good score (75+)

What is SEO copywriting technique?

SEO copywriting is a specialized form of online writing that:
1. Contains keyphrases – words your target reader types into a search box to find the information she wants.
2. Helps online content rank higher in search results (such as Google.)
3. Drives qualified traffic.

What is SEO based content writing?

While search engines use a variety of factors to rank websites and pages, in terms of SEO writing, it is focused on creating content using specific, targeted words or phrases, called keywords or keyword phrases, to help search engines find and rank the webpage.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.