5 Expert Tips to Improve Your Amazon Listings in 2020

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5 Expert Tips to Improve Your Amazon Listings in 2020

The marketplace on Amazon has grown significantly over the years. With multiple listings available in every major category of products it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd. 

If your listings aren’t attracting the attention you believe they should be getting, have you stopped to consider why?

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5 Expert Tips to Improve Your Amazon Listings in 2020 Share on X

Amazon Product Listings gif

With millions of people shopping on Amazon, it clearly isn’t difficult for the customers to find what they’re looking to buy. But you may not be seeing your specific listing and that’s where these 5 tips below come in. If you want to grow your business keep reading to see the changes you can make to help you improve your Amazon listings.

Amazon Listings

1. Optimize Your Keywords

When was the last time you looked at the copy of your listings? Even if your item hasn’t changed, your listing should be updated occasionally. There are many tools available to help you make sure your listing is using the best possible keywords. Suggestions can be made no matter what category you may be selling in.

Writing your listings is not something you can do only once and then sit back waiting for the sales. As the market changes, you will have to periodically go back in and make adjustments to keep your keywords updated.

When you get the right combination of keywords it is more likely your Amazon listing will appear in specific search engine results. Customers clicking directly to your listing can only improve your sales since they don’t have to work hard to find you. With so many sellers on Amazon’s marketplace, it is beneficial to have customers discover you specifically.

It may seem counter intuitive, but the more products you sell, the more Amazon will reward you by making your listings more prominent. It may take some hard work to get your listings to where you want them to be but in the end, your sales should reflect highly of your efforts.

Make sure you list the important information including brand, size, and color in your description so that customers don’t feel as though they’ve been misled by your listing. A happy customer writes positive reviews which can help your listings be ranked higher.

2. Increase Engagement In Your Writing

Your customers want to be able to picture themselves buying the product. So don’t talk about yourself in the listing. A practical way to this is to avoid using words like “we” and “us” in your product descriptions.

When you choose customer first language like “you” it will help a customer to focus and begin imagining their reality of purchasing. When you use great grammar in your listings customers are more likely to read through the entire description and then make a decision

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Writing directly to your audience will help you to see a higher rate of return on investment. Picture yourself sitting next to your customers and explaining to them why they will love your item. Use the phrases you would speak to them when you write your descriptions for more user engagement.

3. Remember Why A Customer is On Amazon

Amazon Customers

The single biggest mistake sellers make is forgetting why their customers are on Amazon in the first place: to buy things. Most consumers go to Amazon looking for a specific item that they’ve already decided to buy. So your listing shouldn’t convince them that they need what you’re selling.

Rather your listing should explain why your item is the best possible choice in its category. Take for example someone searching on Amazon for a probiotic. Don’t waste their time explaining to them how a probiotic will help aid their digestion. Instead, explain to your customer why your specific probiotic is better than the other options also available on Amazon.

A customer wants to find a particular product that has the best reviews and more importantly the best deal. Don’t waste your time writing a description that doesn’t benefit you or your listing. Even if you have to rewrite all of your different listings to have them better suit the typical Amazon shopper.

If after some sales have occurred you realize the feedback you’re getting is almost completely positive, you can change your listing to say something like “The reviews are in, this product works!” Once you’ve gotten a consumer’s attention they will click to your reviews and find further proof that you are selling something they need.

Remember that Amazon listings are like meeting a customer in the store. Your main goal is to convince them that your product is better than your competitors. Writing your listings from that perspective will help drive customers towards you.

4. Be the Best Possible Seller

Did you realize that your selling history factors into how Amazon displays search results? Amazon rewards it’s top sellers and those who are ranked highly so maintaining positive results is vital to be found on Amazon. The first way to do this is to be sure you are following all of Amazon’s specific rules for sellers.

Amazon is not shy about handing out warnings and canceling selling agreements if they discover you aren’t adhering to the code of conduct.  You can have a great listing if your account is suspended so be sure to know what you can and cannot do as a third party seller on Amazon.

One way to get positive seller feedback is responding to customer’s concerns in a timely manner and making sure they are happy with their purchase. Some sellers opt to put a note in each package that goes out letting the customer know that they appreciate good feedback.

Others follow up after a sale through the appropriate channels.

If you note that someone has given you a negative review it is highly advised as a third party seller that you respond to the comment in an attempt to solve the problem. Amazon allows it’s customers to change their reviews so if you can win a customer over your reviews may go up, which in turn helps your seller’s ranking and listings.

Shipping speed is one reason customers become disenchanted with third-party sellers. Prime one or two-day shipping is what people tend to expect. It can be stressful to have to package shipments quickly and get them out of the door on a consistent basis.

Consider whether you should become a Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) account to accommodate the shipping speed customers prefers. Use an FBA calculator to help you decide if Amazon storing and shipping your inventory is a good business move for you. Some sellers appreciate the simplicity, others choose not to become FBA sellers.

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It’s also important to keep a good track of your inventory and set up alerts from your end. If you oversell frequently on Amazon you can get into trouble and your account could be flagged or suspension. Consider what kind of seller you would want to purchase from yourself and strive for excellence to help your ranking improve.

5. Offer Competitive Pricing

At the end of the day, most consumers are looking for a deal. Offer the lowest price possible including shipping to sell more products and gain traction as your selling rankings begin to rise. There are tools that you can use that will automatically change your listed price to meet and match competitors’ pricing.

Consider offering coupons on your listings or you can also use special savings offers to entice customers to buy from you. Offering your customers 10% off if they buy 2 or more of the same item can boost your sales and help you turn a profit quickly while also helping your rankings improve.


Amazon Selling

It’s no secret that selling on Amazon can be a great business model as long as you are willing to put in the work. By changing your listings keywords and making sure you are found by the customers you can crush your competition. Amazon only cares about the selling aspect of their business, they don’t care which third-party seller their customers buy from.

Be your own best advocate and consistently update your listings, check on the best SEO keywords in real-time and make smart business pricing decisions to be sure you are the seller who is found. Selling on Amazon is fun, so find the joy in it! 

Our friends at Pixpa.com has written an amazing guide on Ecommerce Marketing. It’s an amazing guide if you plan to run your own eCommerce store.  It’s worth your time, go visit here: Ecommerce Marketing by pixpa.

General FAQs

How many images Amazon listing?

You can upload up to 6 photos to display as part of each listing.

What is Amazon algorithm?

The main objective of the Amazon Algorithm is to help consumers in product search. The algorithm as such ranks different companies and their product on the site, providing the most relevant results to the consumer.

Do I need to register a company to sell on Amazon?

No you don’t need to be a registered business to sell on Amazon. Amazon doesn’t require you to register your business but it’s possible your local governments want you to register an online business.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.