Branded Content Or The Art Of Connecting With Your Target Audience

Branded Content

Branded Content

Find out how branded content can approach your potential customers through entertaining content to transmit the values of your brand.

If something is undeniable it is that today it is increasingly difficult for brands to get reach your potential customers. The constant and daily exposure to advertising impacts by countless ways makes brands must reinvent the way they communicate to really connect with your audience. Thus, the situation is rather drawn referring to blindness content, that far from being a marketing strategy, actually puts name to this general apathy towards advertising.

However, against this many brands they have begun to see for some time that the key is, as the saying goes, “reinvent themselves or die” for finding the best formulas and love your target audience. And this is where born, among other strategies, the Branded Content.

The Branded Content is framed within the content marketing strategy to attract potential customers through entertaining content that are attractive to consumers and that, in turn, transmit the values of the brand. And although this may be simple at first glance, it carries certain key aspects that the brand itself should take into account when launching into making these contents: know very well the needs, tastes, age, lifestyle, work, hobbies, etc. of your target audience. It is only then that a brand can make a really effective branded content and knowing how to use storytelling techniques necessary to tell stories that really keep the viewer hooked to that content, not realizing that actually are seeing an advertisement.

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Another very important aspect when a brand decides to realize is that branded content is a strategy that should be understood as something long term. In this sense, it is advisable that the strategy of branded content is framed within a planning medium to long term and go creating content in this line constantly. And it is useless to create a timely content that has very successful and really connect with your target audience, if never again get that connection.

The branded content is storytelling, storytelling, and as such the viewer somehow expected that these stories have a beginning, middle and end. Therefore, the ideal is that once you have managed to capture the attention of your target audience you continue cultivating this relationship with him over a period of time. Only in this way will get gradually connect with your audience and it ends by Lincar you transmit values in your content as inseparable values of your brand.

There are many examples of branded content: videos, webseries, reports, actions on social networks, short films, themed events, etc. and if we had to think quickly in some of them it’ll come to mind examples of big brands like Red Bull or Coke. However, any company however small content can make really effective branded content. In the end, the key is to know very well who you go, plan to achieve the objectives and actions to be taken in the medium to long term, and … put on the table Lots of creativity!


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.