SEO Copywriting: Persuasive Positioning

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SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting

Have you ever dreamed of creating a content able to persuade your target audience and Google equally?
Exists! It is the SEO Copywriting, the union of two tools that you have already presented previously: copywriting and writing search engine optimized.

What is SEO Copywriting?

At this point I guess you already know that SEO is the best way to conquer Google and, thus, attract organic traffic to our website or blog.

Copywriting, meanwhile, is a drafting technique which aims to influence an audience.

SEO Copywriting is one of the most profitable online marketing techniques, but also one of the most effective for SEO. It seeks to promote a product or service by creating text content they catch potential consumers.

SEO Copywriting: 5 Basic elements

What are the elements of SEO Copywriting you need to know to optimize your texts and persuade your readers? We discover below.


It is the key element. You must take time to create a title that hitch. A phrase that invites you click your publication and not another. Something similar to what we talked about earlier with the subject line of your email marketing campaign.

That title also must meet a series of requirements:

  • The title should be short and concise.
  • It must provoke curiosity or arouse any feeling in the reader.
  • You should be encouraged to click.
  • You should include the keyword. This should be the maximum to the left as possible.
  • The title should have a maximum of 65 characters.

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Meta Description:

It is the small two-line paragraph that appears under the title of a Google search. Or under the title when you’re sharing a post on Facebook.

This is very important SEO Copywriting. In this small text you must include the keyword and also get all the artillery to finish convince the reader that your article is what you’re looking.

First paragraph:

The first few lines of your text are vital: be largely responsible for the success or failure of your post.

The start must include the keyword. In addition, you should follow these points:

  • Use short sentences.
  • It uses simple language. Avoid excessive technicalities.
  • Remember AIDA.
  • It must provoke curiosity or arouse any feeling in the reader.
  • Makes clear what going to talk and what will get the reader with your post.
  • Avoid writing a long paragraph. “The good, if brief, twice good.”

Writing Style:

We all have our voice and writing style. However, it is not more strive to meet the following keys …

  • Write short paragraphs and avoid lengthy sentences.
  • Uses short words and avoid excessive technicalities. Make your text everyone understands.
  • Avoid tagline of sentence.
  • Use short sentences between paragraphs.

Text organization:

You can meet all the above, but without an organization in your text all SEO Copywriting will work for nothing.

With the organization of the text not only help the reader achieve not feel overwhelmed, but we will provide the Google robot understanding of what we are counting on the text.

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For this I recommend:

  • Use titles (of different sizes) and colors.
  • Use icons and lists.
  • Insert images and multimedia objects.
  • Use bold, italic, underlined and other elements that facilitate reading and viewing content.

Of course, I recommend you read a lot about Copywriting and SEO to improve your technique. We must also be aware of the news that Google presents in terms of positioning, because what benefits today can hurt you tomorrow.

And you, already have clear what is SEO Copywriting and how it can benefit you?
If the answer is yes, I invite you to share this article with your professional contacts. Surely you will be eternally grateful!


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.