Traffic, Promotion and Making Money Online with a Low Budget


The globalization and the Internet have set an inflection point on the history of  marketing. 

Nowadays, the customers are more demanding and versatile; they are able to choose different brands of the same product if they did not like the one that was previously purchased. They even have the capacity to express their opinions and generate content of relevance, not just consume information or products.

Traffic, Promotion and Making Money Online with a Low Budget Share on X

In the early 21st century, the competition between companies, CEO’s, marketers, and even amateur entrepreneurs, ascended to another level: the virtual world. The online world has been providing the virtues of freedom and power to the consumers since the 90’s. This is a result of the search engines and social networks’ invention. The new supermarket shelves for brand advertising are Google, Yahoo, Bing, Firefox, etc.

With thousands of products available, there are also thousands of corporate online profiles that the companies manage to promote their services, to improve their position on the market, as to upgrade their engagement with their clients (the solid and long-term relationship with their target audiences), etc.  This digital battle consist of which brands has more visuals, landings on site, a better search engine optimization.

 The headlines

Most of the Internet users only navigate through the first —and maybe the 2nd— pages of Google. This privilege place is the main concern of the search engine optimizers and webmasters these days.  But there are also low-cost, own plans to upgrade your blog, website or entrepreneur project, by knowing some basic principles.

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Google is the world’s #1 search engine “with 72.48% of the world’s market share of search”, according to On the Google Support website, the company explains how it selects the most relevant websites that will be displayed based on three processes that are executed mainly by spider robots:

  • “Algorithm Tracking of new and actualized sites. (Do we know your site on Google? Can we find it?).
  • Indexation. (Can we index your site on Google?)”.
  • Publication. (The site has useful and quality content that is relevant for the consult of the users?).”

For more information:
SEO Tips
Inspired on these principles, you can start the SEO improvement of your project.

From the above, one can conclude that you need to constantly monitor the accessibility of your website. There are lots of free platforms, as the social media, blogs and no-charge website creators where you can have a safe start and accumulate some followers without having the problem of inventing a unique homepage.

On the other hand, the use of timely and appropriate internal links that redirect to your own page is just as important as to reference other valuable and well-known sources. The number of times your page is redirected from other, like Wikipedia for example, provides a lot of value to your website, and vice versa: when the valuable sources reference your website.

If you are creating content, you need to use keywords about the topic, but the spam has become obsolete. If you are going to talk about marketing campaigns, you probably are going to use the words: niche target, price, segmentation, necessities, BCG analysis, etc. Just don’t use them purposeless and in an isolated way.

Just as the journalism, the other principles include: create grammatically correct, multi-argument, concise, and useful and unique pieces of information. The addition of audiovisual tools with their respective credits can be helpful. Is important to see the campaign from the customers’ perspective: which word can help them to connect to your site.

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Finally, the design and title. When you decide to create your own digital space, you need to think about an original name for your site that can differentiate you from the other hundreds of thousands of sites.  A creative web design includes the use of appropriate keywords on your land page, right information distribution, highlighting important notes, and contact information.

The visual components are also remarkably important. They include the typography, color palette, infographics, icons, logomark and logotype, pictures, and all type of visual resources.  In any case, the choice has to be done in a measurable way because the elements should not jeopardize the speed of the page.


Dishan Jay

Dishan Jay is the founder of DG Studio, a Los Angeles based digital agency that develops beautiful websites and apps, and executes marketing strategies plus storytelling and design techniques around them.