How to Creating an Entertaining Customer Experience with Gamification Infographic

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How to Creating an Entertaining Customer Experience with Gamification

When you think about a traditional approach to games, you probably think about the board games you played growing up, or the video games that filled your teenage years. 

Those games posed challenges to you and friends and competitors. In the end, thanks to some skill and some luck and some careful maneuvering, someone (hopefully you) won some sort of reward (even if it just was bragging rights).

How to Creating an Entertaining Customer Experience with Gamification Share on X

Welcome to an apt metaphor for how to think about customer service. Gamification has been going on for quite some time; it’s just the industry-insider term for programs like rewards or points enrollment. The idea is to get someone to do something again and again, and then give them rewards that make them feel good about what they’re doing. It creates loyalty and positivity about a brand, and is a powerful tool for customer service. How can you use it? This graphic explains it.

Related articles: How card games have evolved to adapt to the technological age

The Benefits of Creating an Entertaining Customer Experience With Gamification

Infographic via Salesforce


Kelsey Jones

Kelsey Jones is the managing editor of Search Engine Journal and also works as a marketing consultant and writer under MoxieDot, her marketing agency. She has been working in digital marketing since 2007 and journalism since 2004, gaining proficiency in social media, SEO, content marketing, PR, and web design. Kelsey has worked with and written for Yelp, Contour Living, Social Media Examiner, FitFluential, Bounty, Gazelle, and many more.