Top SEO Trends to Look Forward in 2020

Top SEO Trends to Look Forward in 2020

The landscape of SEO is dynamic in nature. 

But, there are certain things that remain the same: adding relevant keywords in your titles, optimizing the site for mobile users, etc.

Top SEO Trends to Look Forward in 2020 Share on X

SEO Trends 2020

As per my extensive research following SEO Trends will rule in the upcoming year –

# Trend 1. Voice Search  

Voice Search SEO

Did you know that 20% of mobile queries have been done via voice search in 2019 ? This clearly shows the rising popularity of voice search technology.

Such type of search queries is long-tail and highly specific. And, the users need an accurate answer to the exact question that they have asked for.

Having a bullet list will maximize your chances of ranking for voice queries, and most voice queries are local. Therefore, optimizing the site for local SEO becomes necessary.

# Trend 2. Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets SEO

With a featured snippet, you can get a summary of the answer to your searched query. Above paid and organic ads, you will find these snippets.

They have introduced a significant change in Google’s search engine result page. Even the majority of searches result in no clicks as users can get information directly from SERPs. As per the Ahref study, it has been found that the featured snippet receives more traffic than the first organic search result.

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Try using question-based search queries and keywords. You can use “people also ask” section as it provides insights about the question in a detailed manner.

# Trend 3. Video Marketing

Video Marketing SEO

This is regarded as the most important part of your SEO strategy and digital marketing efforts. As per the Forrester Research, the video comes up on the first page of SERP than a web page with plain text.

You should build YouTube videos that are relevant to the existing content on your site. It will not guarantee for first-page search results but you will receive heavy traffic when Google will index your video.

So, you should include videos on your site to get traffic. Don’t forget optimizing video to your blog’s width.

# Trend 4.  Length of the content

Content Length SEO

We all know that good-quality content will help in improving the search engine rankings. But, this year you have to focus both on quality as well as quantity of the content.

An ideal length of the blog post is around 2,000 words. That’s because web page with long content gets more visibility.

However, your content needs to answer the question that the users are searching for. Lengthy posts are helpful in improving the dwell time that notifies Google that users enjoy your content. This will build authority online and your Google ranking will increase automatically.

# Trend 5. Schema Markup

Schema Markup SEO

Schema plays a crucial role in SEO. This structured data vocabulary is useful in defining entities, relationships, and actions on the internet. With the schema, it is easy for search engines to get a clear understanding of the subject on the web.

If a website has schema markup in place, users can know what your site is all about using SERPs. Some people have also termed schema as your virtual business card as they can get all the details of your company with its help.

 # Trend 6. Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile Responsiveness SEO

You can’t deny this fact that people use smartphones to do everything. Desktops have become a thing of the past. Plus, every SEO expert talks about the importance of mobile-responsiveness.

Google also prioritizes sites that are responsive. Because people excessively using mobile phones to search for queries. Additionally, it is easy to create mobile-friendly sites these days. They are faster, cost-effective, and highly secure.

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Likewise, if mobile phones are evolving so will your mobile-friendly SEO strategy. So, you should make your mobile SEO game stronger in 2020.

All these are effective SEO trends that will rule in 2020. You should hire SEO experts who are well-versed with these trends and implement them effectively in your SEO strategy.

Final Notes

Just when you think that you have come a pro in SEO, an update happens. Since SEO is a holistic process, it will need both offline and online digital marketing strategies to get success. Investing in SEO is a perfect strategy to generate more leads and rank higher on search engines.

So, it is highly recommended to appoint a leading SEO service that can make your website prepared with the latest SEO trends. 

General FAQs

What SEO means?

Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

How SEO works?

SEO is the process that organizations go through to help make sure that their site ranks high in the search engines for relevant keywords and phrases.

What is the SEO in marketing?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.