5 Killer Tips To Dominate Social Media Marketing In 2020

5 Killer Tips To Dominate Social Media Marketing In 2020

How people consume products and buy services has greatly changed due to the social media effect. 

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a host of other social platforms have enabled consumers to interact more with brands before making their purchasing decisions. This phenomenon has brought many marketing and growth opportunities for both established and small business entities.

5 Killer Tips To Dominate Social Media Marketing In 2020 Share on X

There is one challenge with social media, though, that businesses often struggle to cope with. That challenge is the constant evolution of social trends. A social media marketing strategy that worked perfectly a year ago could already be obsolete today. Also, millions of new internet users join different social platforms every single day. These new users bring with them new demographics, new trends, and new expectations. That necessitates constant reinvention of social media strategies for all companies looking to dominate the social marketing sphere.

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Increased internet, social, and mobile adoption in China, for example, has forced multinational companies to reconsider their localization strategies over the last decade. It is now almost impossible for a company to penetrate the Chinese market without the help of a reputable Chinese translation company. Because only top-drawer translation services will help companies to appeal to the growing number of Chinese social media users, entrepreneurs will have to come up with a foolproof localization content for their websites, services, and products going into 2020.

Besides localization, there are several other strategies that companies will need if they are to dominate social media marketing in 2020. So, do you wish to dominate in 2020? Here are 5 more killer tips for nailing social media marketing next year!

  1. Embrace multi-platform social marketing

In 2018 and before, marketers believed in targeting specific audiences on the specific platforms that they subscribed to. As we can subscribe to YouTube with the subscribe button. Social analytics pointed to the possibility of people subscribing to different social channels depending on their gender, geographic location, and age. If a company’s niche audience was women above 50 years, the company could invest more on Facebook than on Instagram because it was believed that such an audience wouldn’t be on Instagram. That kind of rigid thinking and approach will not work in 2020 because people of all genders, ages, and regions are joining all platforms at their disposal. Every platform has a sizeable population of your niche audience. You have to market on all platforms so as not to close your doors to some potential customers.

  1. Invest in visual

Visual content will account for over 85% of all internet traffic in 2010, social media included. Static text has already been phased out on Facebook and images aren’t catching the eye on Instagram as they used to. Data bundles in the 3rd world are now affordable and Wi-Fi connectivity in the developed world is better now than it has ever been, so social users do not hesitate to watch videos when they find one. You, therefore, should invest in a good camera and quality video editing tools in order to make your social media video ads as good as they can be.

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With that in mind, please note that social media marketing isn’t as easy as it sounds. You will need a team of talented digital marketers to package your visual content in the right way for the right audience. If you are looking to expand in China, for example, you will need to hire talented Chinese digital marketers to help you localize your social content. A China recruitment agency will help you find these talents.

  1. Investing in TikTok will be great

Studies show that TikTok users spend at least 45 minutes on the platform every day. Considering that a day has only 24 hours, 45 minutes is such a long time to be ignored. This app is relatively new so we can only predict that its better days are ahead.

  1. Sponsoring social media contests will be vital for followership growth

Your brand is as big as your social media followership. You must do everything possible to attract new audiences in 2020. One proven way of engaging and connecting with new followers is sponsoring social media contests. In this regard, you will need to budget for a powerful contest that will not only excite your target audience but that will also make sense for your brand.

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  1. Use social analytics

Many marketers lose their way in the confusion of whether or not social media marketing is effective for their brands. Don’t be like them. Going into 2020, you will need to invest in social media analytic tools that do not only tell you whether your efforts are bearing fruits but that will also tell you what to say to your audience and when to say it. That way, you will be able to optimize your content for different time zones.


In whichever way you look at social media, you will always find endless opportunities in and around it. The 5 points we’ve discussed herein will help you not to feel overwhelmed, confused, or lost. They will get you started informing your social media marketing strategy and aligning it with your business ambitions and reputation. 

General FAQs

What is social media marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a form of marketing that uses social media sites, forums and blogs to promote product or brand and create awareness about them.

How effective is social media marketing?

Social media marketing helps improve brand loyalty and an effective way to build relationships with leads and customers that lead to greater satisfaction and loyalty over time.

How social media is good for business?

Using social media allows your customers to connect and interact with your business on a more personal level. If you already have an established brand, social media might be an opportunity to further develop your brand and give your business a voice.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.