8 Effective Digital Marketing Tips for Millennials

Digital Marketing Tips

As Forbes has indicated in the past that by 2025 around 75 per cent of global workers will be millennials.  

With businesses in many sectors looking likely to have larger numbers of workers working from home a new wave of development for these millennials will be on the horizon.

Modernization surrounds us, the last generation was far less demanding, millennials expect developments in hardware, software, and applications continually.

8 Effective Digital Marketing Tips for Millennials Share on X

However, the dynamic remains the same, and targeting them is still essential as they will still significantly impact the strategies of companies marketing campaigns. 

Digital marketing has become an unstoppable force, so brand awareness and marketing at them directly should still be a primary focus as the economy starts to open back up.

The best way to look at millennials is that they are trendsetters. They are the benchmark of whom to target with a structured digital marketing campaign to be successful. 

So let’s take a look at benefits that can trigger your thoughts to use digital marketing effectively to target millennials. There are various strategies and variations and angles to enhance your brand and steadily increase your sales revenue.

Once the economy is showing signs of returning to a new normality, online sales and e-commerce are set to be even bigger go-to for people around the world who have got used to lockdown and where employers now see the proof that a percentage of their workforce can work cheaper and equally effectively from home, saving on office space amongst other things. So expect the market to have even more products available to purchase in 2021. Set yourself up to take a piece of this ever-growing pie.



A car may look amazing and catchy on the outside but we must remember it goes nowhere without the engine. Content-driven marketing is the spark-plug and the engine to a successful digital marketing campaign. You MUST engage your readers. Never in human history have some many had access to so much content and subject matter at the click of a button, so we must first engage immediately and then educate them as quickly as possible. 

Providing ideas, suggestions and subsequent solutions are essential so they in-turn past it on and review your information, this is crucial to your link building strategy that directly affects your rankings. Use an SEO Company Australia to help avoid mundane content, as in this day and age it is an absolute NO-NO. 

Some Suggestions


Just as our parents’ generation would react to the headline on the front of the newspaper and could be decisive in which one they decided to buy, being creative and informative is essential, but unlike the newspapers, there is no room for sensationalism, this generation doesn’t buy into that as easily. 


Remember this is not a generic social marketing campaign that gets launched, and then you simply wait for results, selling your products and services targeting millennials requires other approaches.

With this generation typically two dynamics apply. The brand needs to appear that it has a mutual interest in them (this is where your content has the opportunity if written correctly to grab their attention).

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Secondly, you are dealing with a different dynamic as this generation’s activity rates are far higher and open to engagement and have become fixated with innovation, especially if you are marketing a niche product or new area, these are your target market but you must ensure you concentrate on SEO, you can have the best website on the net but without high rankings, you do not get the traffic you can’t do link building on your own use an SEO Company.


If you are open-minded and prepared to commit to a longer-term to break even, or less profit at the start of your growth cycle and focus on long-term strategies, then you’ll find millennials tend to be reactional and opportunist. So, long-term brand awareness is more than attainable by committing to this strategy.

Promotions and discounts can be extremely effective if your marketing strategy is on-point in drawing them to you originally, helping you create a loyal customer base, in-turn receiving good reviews and most importantly your new customers sharing your information and increasing your outreach.


High-resolution marketing bombards this generation constantly. The rise in recent years of digital signage is a case and point of this. 

Attention to this aspect of a campaign is essential. Vivid imagery combined with your engaging content gives you the best chance of success in this market. 

Be sure to budget for this side and look hard for a competent designer to work alongside whoever is putting the marketing plan together, and think outside the box, be creative, and always remember the key is ‘ENGAGEMENT’ at every level. 


Regardless of how big or small your brand is you stand to lose your customer base quickly if your products lack transparency. From notorious car emission cover-ups to misleading labelling of food products, don’t risk it, there is too much information available at the click of a button for you to lose your customers.

Sales and marketing tactics are commonplace and the market is saturated with them, Millennials prefer a more genuine, straightforward approach, think of how many people you are socially linked to, you know how quickly negativity can spread and within 24-hours your brand has a nightmare on its hands.   


Now this may come across as being obvious to you, but some of the smartest designers and developers out there today are not in-fact millennial age, they are younger than that, they are teenagers. 

Think of the benefits this could hold to hire a younger designer. They will have ideas that are not constrained by previous experiences, they will be looking to build their portfolios so are likely to work cheaper for you and they have come into this alongside all the latest design software that has come to the market. 

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The downside is can they relate to the millennial? If you have a small team, remember, ‘WORK TOGETHER’ if someone is too young and doesn’t appeal then go for a millennial who understands their particular market more, but be prepared to pay a higher price, there is sublime talent everywhere, don’t make a quick decision, shop around. 


Philanthropy is a global juggernaut moving at a much faster pace than in the previous generation and post COVID-19 will play an even bigger part in a global society. 

Millennials will undoubtedly look upon a business favourably if they are associated with a good cause. Remember if you are involved in Philanthropy or donate to a cause, don’t just advertise it – WRITE ABOUT IT, inform your reader base, this will naturally increase your outreach.


A trapdoor that businesses can fall into is balancing engagement and information overload.

There are too many options available to people today where heavy content immediately pushes them away onto the plethora of other sites that have appeared with the same keyword search they just conducted. 

Always have a click option for your information, so you promote yourself but you are not forcing the issue. 


A clever strategy once you have decided on your digital marketing approach is not to go into it all-at-once, try testing it on small pockets of specific criteria millennials before going into a full-scale outreach.

Try not to assume, and always react to user feedback, you are entering an ever-changing marketplace and millennials are the ones reacting, pushing and moving it forward, so listen to them, tweak and adjust accordingly, assumption today will be your biggest enemy. Good luck.

General FAQs

What are the types of digital marketing?

– Content marketing.
– Search engine marketing.
– Display Advertising.
– Mobile Marketing.
– Social Media Marketing.
– Email Marketing.
– Influencer Marketing.
– Affiliate Marketing.

What is the role of digital marketing?

The role of digital marketing is to help you garner new traffic, leads, and sales for your business by reaching people looking for your products and services. By itself, web marketing is the process of marketing your company online to prospective leads and high-value consumers.

What is the advantage of digital marketing?

The main advantage of digital marketing is that a targeted audience can be reached in a cost-effective and measurable way. Other digital marketing advantages include increasing brand loyalty and driving online sales.


Lancey Clemons

Lancey Clemons is a branding strategist and online marketer presently associated with a reputable SEO company Australia. He is a game and comics enthusiast outside of work.