Winning Ethical SEO Techniques to Boost your Website’s SEO in 2022

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Ethical SEO Techniques

Websites aren’t “moral,” and neither are the “bots”!

Ethical SEO techniques are accepted Search Engine Optimization techniques that are visible. It is a “white hat,” obvious to a website visitor with no hidden tricks. It is a common question – why stick with Ethical SEO just because it seems correct?

Certainly, NO! 

Here is a quick read about the best Ethical SEO Techniques to rank your website and boost your SEO. Also, you will explore why Ethical SEO wins over unethical SEO techniques.

Winning Ethical SEO Techniques to Boost your Website’s SEO in 2022 Share on X

Why do Ethical SEO?

The urge to maintain consistency in your web page ranking drives the need to adopt Ethical SEO techniques. However, hitting the top positions in search engine ranking and staying there with consistency is different!

The hidden tricks of SEO may sometimes help you scale to the top results, but the Ethical SEO techniques will help you stay there. This is because it attracts a lot of visitors and also your potential customers on a broader bandwidth.

So, today we will help you boost your search rankings with the best tips for Ethical SEO.

Must-follow Ethical SEO techniques 

Appropriate Keyword Research

Your web page content should resonate well with the audience you are targeting. It is the key to ranking well in search results. For instance, you can use Google’s Keyword Tool to find the most searched keywords related to your business/niche.

Next, you need to ensure the strategic positioning of these phrases and keywords along your content length. Indeed, it is good to include the keywords in the page titles, headers, and sub-headers. But, never overuse the keywords, lest your webpage may get spammed by web crawlers. 

Well-researched Alt Tags

Add descriptive text to the images/videos’ imprint, preferably along with keywords. It is called Alt tags, which helps search engines to locate your webpage, along with all high-quality content on your website. In addition, alt tags rich in well-researched keywords increase visiting frequency of your website, thus scoring high for your page ranking. 

Here is an example for you to follow to write Alt tags:

<img class=”align Center shadow” src=”publishing_image.jpg” alt=”image description (including keyword)” title=”image title”/>

Precise Internal Linking

A structured link preview throughout your website will help you grab #1 search engine ranking! You can follow a strategic hierarchy or a web-like manner linking style. For instance, you can create a brief menu/dashboard by sitemap or on the landing page. Further, you can link the different web pages appropriately for precisely deep interlinking. 

Create an all-device-friendly website, incredibly mobile-friendly!

In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices alone, excluding tablets, generated global website traffic of 54.8%. This figure has been consistent since 2017, with a traffic percentage of 50. Plus, it is encouraging to note that mobile-friendly sites are ranked higher on Google SERPs.

Indeed, the reason to do so is to improve user experience. Thus, creating mobile-friendly websites should be your priority to get customers wooing to your site! 


The Internet marketplace is rife with competition to award the fittest. Therefore, following the above-said Ethical SEO techniques, get your website rank better and boost your SEO now. 

Grow your business right in Ethical ways!

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General FAQs

What are ethical techniques of SEO to rank your website higher?

Optimizing each of your site’s webpages is one of the easiest and most rewarding techniques of all. You can do so by making sure that every page of your site has a distinct URL which is SEO-friendly. The URL must describe the content of the page accurately. However, the URL must not be too long or have many slashes.

What is black hat SEO techniques?

Black hat SEO is a practice against search engine guidelines, used to get a site ranking higher in search results. These unethical tactics don’t solve for the searcher and often end in a penalty from search engines. Black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, and using private link networks.

What is unethical SEO?

Unethical SEO is not necessarily an illegal activity, but is regarded as “below the belt”. In a sense, unethical SEO is all about cutting corners and cheating the accepted code of conduct. Unethical SEO has one essential goal: to achieve immediate or short term ranking results.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.