Facebook Increased Its Advertising Revenue Compared To Previous Years

Facebook Advertising Revenue

Facebook Advertising Revenue

One of the latest companies to disclose their financial data has been the social network of Zuckerberg and co., We refer to Facebook, and this information gives us the opportunity to learn about current activities of the powerful social network.

In presenting the results, the CEO of the company said it had a good quarter and that the social network had done many things, focusing on long-term investment and innovation, seeking to serve connecting the entire world community.

A 4,501 million global earnings amounted Facebook for the third quarter of 2015

The third quarter of 2015 closed with a profit Facebook ancestors globally to 4,501 million, a profit which go far beyond the 3,203 million dollars that fired the same period of 2014. The net profit of Zuckerberg and co. It came to 1,628 million dollars, almost more than those obtained in the third quarter last year, ie 2014 500 million.

However, what most interests Facebook is to have specific data on the exact number of users who use their social network and how they are interacting with their various services.

According to data released by Facebook, the social network has currently with 1.010 million users, representing an increase of 17%, warning that this figure refers to daily active users.

In addition, Facebook is positioning itself as a spotlight on mobile devices, expanding the message that Facebook is a great attention to reach consumers through this medium, so clearly show your statistics: The social network has 894 million users active in mobile daily, next to 1.390 million active users from these devices monthly. These figures reflect a year performance of 27% and 23% respective form.

Related articles: Be Prepared To Pay For Facebook Shortly

Facebook earns $ 9.86 a day per active user in their social network in USA only. US and Canada

Facebook has been looking at how to increase advertising revenue, making US $ 9.86 per user only in North America (EE. UU and Canada), reflecting a truly amazing amount of income that has an upward trend. Last year, the same figure stood at $ 6.64 per user.
Facebook Revenue Third Quarter of 2015

Source: forbes.com

Moreover, the figures mentioned suffered an increase in almost all markets in Europe 3,33 per user, in Asia, $ 1.36 and in other countries, 0.92 dollars. According to these figures, the global average in revenue stood at $ 2.63, 0.41 cents more than during the same period in 2014.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.