SEO Basics: Have an SEO READY site with Attribution Tracking Software

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SEO Basics Have an SEO READY site with Attribution Tracking Software

If you’ve ever contacted an SEO firm, you’ve noticed that the first thing the agency does is an audit that sees the “health” of the site. 

However, if you are an online store owner or a presentation site and you work to optimize it, I want to give you six SEO basic factors to analyze, to see what the current status of the site is and where you need to work to make it SEO ready with the attribution marketing tool.

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If you have more fun with what SEO means and you master the basic principles, do not go out of the page yet! I’ve prepared below a section dedicated to you.

  1. Google Search Console and Google Analytics

Before any optimization or implementation of online strategies, whether they are optimistic for search or content marketing optimization, you have to make sure that you have installed the tools that help you measure the results.

Google Search Console is the essential tool for SEO users. Here you have crucial site data from a technical point of view and how Google sees it.

Google Analytics shows you data about the users who reach the site and how they interact with the site: how many pages they saw, how they stayed on the site, which pages they converted better, etc.

  1. Site load speed (Page Speed)

If so far page speed has had a significant impact on user experience, Google has confirmed that upload speed will be a ranking factor for mobile results.

Their tests demonstrate the following: with every extra second of the site is loaded, the likelihood that the user leaves the site is getting bigger. If you’re trying to get the first places in Google, it’s a shame to lose the user because the site is not loaded, do not you think?

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A tool with which you can check the speed of your site is PageSpeed ​​Insights, and if you want to test what performance it has on mobile, use the Mobile-Friendly Test. See here.

Test the speed on a minimum of 3 pages: homepage, a category page, and a product/blog article page. Typically, the fastest and easiest way to increase speed is by compressing images.

As benchmarks, you can take the following values:

  • Between 0-50 points – the optimization of site loading speed is essential
  • between 50-80 points – you have several factors that slow your site’s rate.
  • 80 points – your site is doing well, but you can target the maximum score.

SEO Factors

  1. Indexed pages

If you want the algorithm to appear on the front page in Google’s search results, you need to make sure that it finds you and can read the content of your site. In specific industry terms: make sure robots can crawl your site. However, if what you are displaying is similar to the example below, then you have a problem, and something blocks the robots from accessing the site.

The reasons why a site is not indexed are multiple, but the most common error is blocking the site from indexing either by having a meta robots tag in the code or by blocking the crawler access in the robots.txt file

Most of the time these settings can be changed from the admin of the site, but if you are alien to what I said above, talk to your programmer and ask him/her to set your site indexable.

The first step was checking the site if it’s indexed or not. However, the problem does not stop here because it is vital what pages have indexed you. This checks are usually more advanced and let the specialists check.

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  1. Site structure

The site structure plays an important role both in how robots access your site and understand it and in a user experience that is as enjoyable and intuitive as possible on the site (that user experience you may have heard). A “healthy” structure would be the following: If you are not a general online store (e.g., or, make sure you do not have many main categories. Otherwise, the robots will find it difficult to identify the central theme of the site.

As a point of reference, you should have up to 7 main categories in the site, but this rule is not universally valid for all sites.

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  1. Meta title and meta description

Probably the best-known terms in SEO language. Meta title is the title that appears to you on Google for each page Of the site.  This has an important role because it tells the algorithm about what’s on your page, and most of the time optimizing it with relevant keywords for a particular page can bring you spectacular results about what The meta description is the piece of text that appears under the URL and also has a vital role in the clickthrough rate (CTR). The more attractive you are and present relevant information to the user, he will be more urged to click on your site. The more users click and interact with your page, the more algorithm will see you more relevant and will show you higher in the search results. Make sure all titles and descriptions are unique to the site and describe as well as possible the theme of the page.

  1. Google My Business

It’s vital that you have a Google My Business account that makes it easy for you to find your users. Just having a GMB account can increase your chances of appearing in search results and Google Maps. The Google My Business list appears, especially in local searches. If your account is configured correctly and is relevant to querying the example data, you will appear with the listing in the search results. Depending on the business specificity, users can make reservations, send messages, ask questions, view available products/services, or directly called the company from the listed listing, without having to enter the site, which of course is a plus.

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By completing the Posts section, you can let them know about the latest news, discounts, offers or special events. So please make sure to create your GMB account, validate it and fill in all fields with available account information, to improve your visibility in local results.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.