Tesla Model 3 Revolution



I pull away in this post from my usual topics because the news that Tesla launches its Model III deserves. Both do I like the brand led by Elon Musk? It’s not about that…


Tesla could give us all a lesson in how to sell something that does not even exist. Because this is the reality: the Model III does not exist. Those who have already booked your car, have booked a concept and an advertising image. Basically some basic characteristics of type, performance and price of departure. Nothing else. The first units entragarán not until the end of 2017, and the brand has already warned that its production capacity will be unable to attend quickly the huge demand that have managed to generate thanks to the enormous capacity that have proven marketing.

Certainly they have earned it: are the leading brand in the electric car sector. Previous models enjoy great prestige. And Elon Musk and Tesla have launched a different poryectos otherwise cutting-edge technology (not all related to the manufacture of electric cars) u. Among other issues.

On these bases, we begin to explain how it is possible to exceed the 250,000 reserves in just a couple of days: Branding, branding, built during 13 years of successes in their technology bets and how to tell their own story.

Impact of the announcement:

Yes. BMW, Audi or Mercedes have electric models and prices similar to those that have the Model III, but there are two differences that make the impact of Tesla is greater than such classic brands and great prestige with these:

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  • To date, there is consensus that Tesla is technologically one step ahead of its competitors. Y
  • While the rest of the brands play double oil / electric game, Tesla was born to be the reference and the forefront of the electric vehicle sector. Without folds. Unambiguously. And that rewards the consumer, especially the one that is committed to a certain way of seeing the future.

Tesla Model III, Revolution in the automotive sector?

This is the big question. Maybe yes. Because we could find ourselves in the first electric marketed really massive, with an impact on the market never seen to date, which may force competitors to refocus their strategies in the medium term and, in the best case, can requiring all oil sector away faster than previously expected …

No small feat for a brand that does not reach 15 years … right?

Photo by: wikimedia commons


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.