The Top 3 Reasons Why People Hate Pop Up Ads

Pop ups

Pop Up Ads

Imagine clicking on a video you want to watch only to be greeted by an unwarranted invitation to an online game.

You could also be immersed in reading a blog and get startled by an auto-playing video. Not only are these examples of infuriating occurrences that almost everyone can relate to, they are also proof that advertisements can be obnoxious. 

According to new data on internet users’ take on online ads:

  • 79% of internet users feel monitored by retargeted advertisements
  • 87% claim that ads have proliferated over the past 2-3 years
  • 91% of internet users find ads to be more aggressive
  • 77% of internet users affirm that they want to filter out ads instead of completely blocking them
91% of internet users find ads to be more aggressive Share on X

Although the goal of marketers and business owners is to introduce their service through pop-up ads, the idea apparently backfires as far as that study shows. As a result, people install ad-blockers or avoid the website that has directed them to the advertisement.

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Interestingly, 77% of people still want to receive pop-up marketing messages. What spells the difference between infuriating and intriguing people with this type of ad? 

Here are the top 3 reasons why people hate pop-up ads:

Reason #1:

Pop-Up Ads are Intrusive

Pop-up Ads on Google

Google, being the largest search engine, watches out for websites that mislead or disrupt a user’s online experience. The search engine authority’s statement reproving pop-up ads only further qualifies that this marketing tactic is disturbing.

Aside from blocking people from viewing the content they want to see, pop-ups also pose as unwanted messages. A good advertiser rouses interest in people instead of shoving a brand down their throats.

 Reason #2:

Pop-Up Ads are a Security Liability

 One of the reasons people have grown wary of pop-ups is because it has a history of endangering one’s security. Forbes, an international brand expected to have credibility, suffered a backlash when it has exposed one user to malware through a pop-up ad.

Brian Baskin

Technically, it was not Forbes that endangered the user’s security but the ad they allowed in their site. If you are a business owner, make sure to scrutinize the advertisers you let into your turf. Remember that for internet users and search engines, their blunders equate to yours.

 Reason #3:

Pop-Up Ads are Upsetting Loading Time and Bandwidth Usage

Have you ever tried to read a blog entry, only to wait a long frustrating moment because the ads are slowing it down? A website’s load time can often be the make or break factor that will turn a visitor into a reader or another statistic that will increase its bounce rate.

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The heavy content that ads bring also eat up the bandwidth of users. This can greatly aggravate visitors who are accessing a website on a limited data plan. Ads that slow down a website and aggravate a visitor’s bandwidth usage can easily turn away site visitors.

Pop ups

What You Can Do:

Internet users are now highly skilled in terms of dodging ads. As a business owner or marketer, what can you do about this? 

Internet users are now highly skilled in terms of dodging ads. Share on X

Here are some resolutions that website owners have found:

  • Get creative with content. People visit a website to get educated or entertained through its content. Hire a content writer VA to take care of your posts and manage your website’s content. If you have quality content to show, you can have paid subscriptions or one-time donations from readers.
  • Utilize PageFair. Technologies such as PageFair enable users to re-insert promotional messages, measure the effect of ad-blockers on website traffic, and get around ad blockers without alarming users.
  • Be a part of Whitelist Websites that display acceptable ads. This is an investment you are smart to take. These websites are regulated by ad-blocking companies so you can still display ads on appropriate terms.

Although people hate pop-up ads in general, majority of internet users still want to receive promotional messages. The key is to do it in a way that stirs up their interest and does not jeopardize their security and overall online experience. Knowing the top 3 reasons why people hate pop-up ads is the first step to discovering this key. 


Catherine Vanvonno

Catherine vanVonno, the author, is the President and Executive Director of 20Four7VA, a global Virtual Assistant (VA) Service Provider. She holds a doctorate degree in Applied Statistics, Research Design and Program Evaluation from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and has over 10 years experience in facilitating evidence-based strategic planning, product development, brand management, legislative communications, and medical policy. She is married and has four children. You can reach her at