Vending Machines Print Free Stories In France

Vending Machines

Vending Machines

Short Edition, a French company offers free vending machines stories to passersby

Currently, a large percentage of smartphone users use their devices to perform tasks or just distracted in his spare time, whether they be when they go to the doctor, are at the bus stop or are waiting for a friend. Because of this, France has begun an initiative seeking to provide an alternative way to have fun and employ the best time in such situations, it is vending machines offering short stories completely free form Ticket purchase.

Grenoble is the first city in which has begun the installation of these machines, a town in southeastern France. Basically, these vending machines are manufactured by Short Edition, a company dedicated to publications, which has installed 8 machines such as neural points tourist offices, libraries, etc., as a key part of a pilot program that seeks analyze people receiving this news.

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Thus, anyone interested in experiencing the service provided by these machines, simply approach any of them free to print a story and thus enjoy a brief and interesting reading session. One of the most attractive features of these new machines is their ability to choose the duration of reading in which we are interested, and can choose from three time ranges: one, three or five minutes. Importantly, all the stories contained in these vending machines are authored by the members of the Short Edition community.

Grenoble Vending Machines France


The idea behind these vending machines is to promote reading and keep people away for a few moments of their smartphones

There is no doubt that this is a clever idea and a great way to stimulate curiosity and interest in reading, while helping people to get away for a few minutes of their smartphones and have a little rest of it while performing a reading of short duration.
Vending Machines France

As for vending machines as such, were designed by Christophe Sibieude, co-founder of Short Edition, who at the time was standing in front of a vending machine currents sweets and wondered if there was a better way to invest the time eating sweets. Well, it was at that moment that the idea of creating these machines came to his mind.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.