What is Link Building and How it is Useful?

What is Link Building and How it is Useful

Whether you are new or old brand, the main thing you need to know about the link building concept is how it is useful and what is its goal.

Basically is helps in boosting your site’s visibility in online world. The way of SEO and link building services is always updated or followed accordingly with the latest trends and techniques in the market according to the Google algorithm.

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Link building is important, if you want to compete and thrive in the online world.

Link Building

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SEO has becoming the vital part of digital marketing. It would be better explained, if it is given the title of need for the hour. Marketing involves different strategies which have been applied for a long duration. Rankraft, the best digital marketing agency of India acts as a supporter to your business which eventually helps your business grow each day. With the help of digital service, the world is now getting an idea of the different strategies in online marketing. SEO is a major tool to promote and initiate online branding, generating organic traffic, online publicity and many things. Thus, it is the time when the search engine optimization expertise is going to get the most of the importance. Rankraft is one of the best online marketing agency where they shape your business as per the latest digital trends to help you for your site’s link building which ensures your business growth.

Link Building gif

Link building is the process of acquiring the hyperlinks from the other website to your own website. A hyperlink is actually what we called as a link. It provides a way to users to navigate between the pages on the internet. Search engine uses the links to crawl to the web. They crawl the links between the pages on your site and they also crawl the links between the sites.

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Rankraft offers affordable link building services and are well-known for that as there are many techniques which they use in link building, SEO tends to agree that link building is one of the hardest point of their jobs. Most of the SEO people spend their time in building the links to their web pages. But considering this in link building it is given important the links should be high quality links. It should truly put you ahead of other websites’ SEO and the competition you face.

Why Link building is Important?

In order to understand the importance of link building, its important to study the basics of how link is built. How the search engines see the links, and what they can interpret from them.

Rankraft builts backlink that boost your website ranking and business with its service.

It is genereally accepted that if all other factors are equal, the quality and the volume of the links pointing to a page will make the difference between the rankings.

Recommended read: What are the UX Factors affecting Your Rankings in 2019?

The better will be link, the better will be the result. It will help you to generate more traffic. The focus on the high quality is increasing as Google has become more specific with the link building techniques.

How Link building can benefit you with Rankraft services

  • Building relationship
  • More traffic more leads
  • Organic website will be increased
  • The website reputation will boost up
  • Brand creation

Types of Link Building

Types of link building

Backlinks Backlinks are incoming hyperlinks from other websites to yours.

Outbound links – The hyperlinks which are pointed to other websites from your sites are known as outbound links.

Internal Links – These are the links which go inside your site pages from your own web pages.

The techniques which can be best for Link building are:

Rankraft link building service will take a deep look at your website and analyze which link building technique will be helpful for your website such as guest posting, broken link building, infographics, forums, Question and Answer sites, etc.

Rankraft utilizes the below techniques for best link building:

  1. Unique and attractive content
  2. Social Media Techniques
  3. Web Directory links
  4. Forum blog post comments
  5. Infographics
  6. PPT Creation & Submissions
  7. Social Bookmarking

Backlink is one such aspect that continues to remain an important factor for Google to decide which websites to rank for which keywords.

  • Internal link issues
  • Missing Breadcrumbs
  • Javascript Navigation
  • Images used in Navigation

Download PDF – What is Link Building and How it is Useful?


Link building is one of the main aspects for the SEO process and it gives the traffic you need for your website. Rankraft digital marketing services make your work easy and enables your business to grow. Make a right choice to go with Rankraft agency which provides the best services with proper report and analyze the growth of your business/services. They aim at delivering the best results by making your website rank in the search engines. So, don’t wait to make your brand more effective by implementing online marketing techniques for your brand.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.