5 Reasons Social Media Make Your Best Ally

Social Media 2015

Social Media 2015

Social Media will star in 2015. And not only from the point will foster emotional bonding of communicative tasks of people and companies-a use that has so much potential that deserves an article-apart, but does so from a position necessary: ​​to sell yourself.

The world of social networks are often situated somewhere between a 2.0 and 3.0- aspirational is much more than Facebook, Twitter and other communication tools booming: Pinterest or Instagram. Social Media will be your best company for the next 12 months for 5 weighty reasons you should consider when you do ask yourself, or use them to harás-.

5 Reasons Social Media make your best ally

1. Companies increasingly verified fingerprint candidates. Depending on your work area or one where you want to develop yourself, you should design a line with your goals and act accordingly to stand out and attract the attention of your next employer.

2. The So-Lo-Mo concept is in fine form. The social-local-mobile triad sets the trend of the most successful networks, is the area that builds a good portion of investments in technology and brand advertising; and thanks to your phone or tablet, goes with you everywhere. You can aspire to greater intrusion than the fact that a brand accompany you to the bathroom? It is a treasure for sales and links.

3. The world has changed and the way we work, too. One of the main demands of the labor market is versatile, willing to change their position in the organizational structure and in the global geography. Who are independent and have decision-making capacity, but also commercial skills, communication skills and, essentially, knowledge and management of Social Media world. Do you need other evidence to get going? Think, what tool combines all these “needs” the market demands? A blog, well managed, is a luxury showcase for progress. But do it only if you are able to find a space where your path will allow you to become an expert or at least a respected and respectable voice.

4. Participate! Contact! Action! Stop hiding your head in the sand and fear the geolocation. The world is global, connected and if you’re reading this is because you want to get a position in the social media universe. What are you waiting for?

5. After the boom and multipresence overporting, it’s time to settle down and think. What social networks are most useful for your career? In which you can contribute and highlight differences in your niche? Do you have enough to manage your online presence potential? Do not be sad! Just sit down, consider one or two goals for this year, and draws a map that allows you to move forward, step by step, towards them. If you succeed in doing this, terror and Social Media will be an excellent tool to design your future as.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.