7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule 2018

2018 Digital Marketing Trends

In today’s modern world, you can’t ignore the impact of the internet in our daily lives. This huge impact is the sole reason that digital marketing trends have been on a constant rise. 

One of the main reasons why some businesses succeed while others don’t is because they’ve accepted the fact the digital marketing is the way to go and are trying to implant a business strategy that compliments, rather, embraces digital marketing. However, just like everything else, digital marketing isn’t a stationary phenomenon and tends to change over time so here are seven digital marketing trends that will rule 2018.

7 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Rule 2018 Share on X

#1 Videos 

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With the surge of social media sites, videos watched everyday will go through the roof in 2018. This is backed up by the fact that almost 2 billion people use social networking sites every day with major video service Youtube averaging a billion hours of video watched each day. This backs up the theory that if you want to promote your product through digital marketing, you’ll need an excellent video promotion strategy.

#2 Video “Stories”

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The digital marketing trend that has seen a dynamic rise in the last year or two is a new version of clipped videos termed as “stories” which famous apps like Snapchat and Instagram offer. This trend has been on a constant rise and doesn’t look to stop anytime soon, with these famous apps now offering ads in between these stories, it makes sense to incorporate this in your digital marketing strategy.

Related articles: Tips To Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy

#3 Chatbots

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Chatbots have been around for years, but they weren’t famous with customers because of their many shortcomings. However, now with the advancement in AI technology, chatbots are becoming more intelligent day by day and could soon replace humans completely by providing excellent customer service.

#4 Big Data

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Big data has mostly been used by big companies, but statistics show that it is increasingly popular amongst small ones too now since the advancement in AI technology provides that opportunity for small businesses too now. To stay competitive in the market, you’ll need to make use of thousands of customer data points that are available.

#5 Smart Speakers

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It has been estimated that nearly 55 percent of the households in American will be using smart speakers by the end of 2022. People interact with these devices on a daily basis, and customers are getting used to devices with no user interface and to which they have the convenient speaking with which will have a great impact on how marketers interact with customers.

#6 Native Ads

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Online advertising is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, and because of display ads being too annoying for visitors; native ads have seen a rise in their popularity. They are more likely to be noticed by visitors on the website, and there is a lower risk of retaliation from the visitor because of them being mellow as compared to display or pop up ads.

Related articles: Types of Digital Marketing and its uses

#7 Virtual Reality (VR)

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VR is the future of video and interactive marketing with people flocking to get a pair of VR headset each day. This puts marketers in a unique position since they now not only have to look to video advertising but also towards those video which support VR like 360-degree videos which are now available already on major platforms like Facebook and Youtube.

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Shawn Marshall

Shawn Marshall is the father of two little girls. He is a digital marketer by profession and is utterly obsessed with the growing technology. He regularly shares his bright ideas on https://squareship.com/.