The Most Common SEO Mistakes To Avoid

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SEO Mistakes

SEO Mistakes

The positioning of our web pages is responsible, in most cases, users that search engines find us on the Internet. For this reason, we spent a significant portion of our time trying to adapt to the changes that are advertised on Google algorithms, optimizing our content and other measures to attract thousands of users and get gain positions in search engines.

However, we can be making SEO mistakes that hinder our ascent in the positions of the SERPs.

What are the most common SEO mistakes and how to avoid them?

SEO expect immediate results

Decided to implement a SEO strategy in our pages is the safest way to drive traffic to get, but we want immediate results.

The work of moving up the results takes time. Even assuming that we were not committing any known SEO mistakes and were fulfilling the full list of Google wishes to be awarded blessings … only the strong competition in the search engines would be enough to understand that the SEO requires good work, continuous work and patience

There is no point setting an SEO strategy and not allow time to produce results or change direction unpredictably that we do not get results quickly.

Slow Site Speed

Google takes time giving great importance to the speed of websites as it directly affects the user experience.

If your site runs slowly, decreases user experience favorable.

In order to test the speed of our sites, Google has made available a free tool: Insights Page speed you have available at this link

With this tool, in addition to getting a “rating” on 100 of the speed of your site, Google offers specific recommendations for improving the speed through a number of areas and that you can implement.

Nor obsessions you to reach 100 points, (a score of 80 would not be bad), but tries to apply the advice as far as possible and focus the rest of your efforts in generating unique content, high quality, contribution user value.

Some elements that can negatively affect the speed of your site are:

  • Large images that take too long to order
  • Do not use any caching
  • No G-Zip compression have

Content little or duplicated or copied

The success of getting a good SEO does not end when a website is completed.

A level of search engines, we must consider that Google ranks pages, so the more content you have, the more results we can position.

At the user level, quality well structured and the more information we provide our readers, the more likely that “hook” to our website and become regular customer or reader.

Make a good content marketing plan to engage your users and Google

low content not only few items, but they must have some length. Take the time to address the issue your articles you’ve decided to write some depth. This way you will solve the doubts of your readers to return to your site as a reference site.

Finally, NEVER USE CONTENT COPYING. Copying content says very little about your professionalism: be unique, useful. If your readers realize … you will lose them and also Google will penalize you.

I used the term Content copied to understand when it performs a “cut and paste” of articles not intended to incorporate into our websites and also to differentiate it from the duplicate content.

I will refer to as duplicate content that appears exactly the same in different parts of our own site, ie in different URL`s. I explain:

Sometimes we duplicate content possibly without realizing it … for example:

Only author of a blog: the appearance of the author information will appear identical on all items, the solution is easy: use the “noindex, follow” attribute, thus preventing Google from indexing.

Do not use a preferred domain: you must indicate to Google that is the same as and show

Related articles: Optimize Your SEO On Page With XOVI To Reach The TOP 3 In Google

Spelling or Grammatical Errors

Another mistake SEO that can be easily avoided are grammatical errors and spelling is quite lately spreading online. This makes the image of the web is terrible, besides the content is hard to read and often takes users off the page to look for other alternatives.

Anything that diminishes user experience will have its impact on the SERPs of Google. If a person has to deal with a lot of misspellings and grammatical problems undoubtedly will decrease your user experience. Check your work.

If your article or content is strewn with errors it is much harder to rank on the first page SERPs of Google.

Forgetting Image Tags

It is good to have a website with great images that add to the content and make it more attractive for the user. However, all the images you can see on a website are virtually invisible to the search bots.

Enter image tags: Alt image

Ensures that every image on your site is optimized to be searched and indexed by including alt tags in each image.

Did you know that the ALT tag of images was designed to describe the images to the blind?

Do not perform internal links

It is essential to link your pages:

  • Search engines discover more pages of your website
  • A link to an internal page is a signal to search engines that this page is important for your site
  • Helps users find information about a topic that interests them.

Most website owners do not do a good link-building internal possibly because they are not aware that internal links are good for SEO.

Best practices for internal linking are:

  • Linking relevant pages either by anchor text as related by the end of each page items.
  • Not always use keyword anchor text, but also use texts as “click here”, “more”, etc.
  • Not always link new pages with older pages: back and link old pages with new
  • Make sure the pages you want better position in the SERPs have more of internal links: You can see the report in Google webmaster tools by selecting Traffic and internal links.
  • Try to have 2-10 inmates per page (depending on the length and type of content) links.

Missing XML Site Map

Have you got one? If not so, include it. Why? Because it tells Google and other search robots exactly which pages to index and the hierarchical relationship between individual pages. This is very useful when it comes to ranking well on pages that have three or more levels deep in the site.

The site map is created for search engines and should be in XML to be able to read it.

It does not hurt to also have a site map for your human visitors. Thus, when a user can not find a page on your main navigation, you can go deeper into the site map and find more information there.

Site Untraceable

Finally, of all SEO mistakes that can solve, if we have an untraceable site, all in vain if your website can not be traced. According to Google, do not allow your website to be dragged by the robot of Google is the biggest mistake made by webmasters.

Untraceable means no indexing and therefore no classification results.


There are many more SEO mistakes that we have mentioned in this article, but from my experience, the above errors are the most important. Furthermore, I believe that when these errors are corrected, the benefits to your website will be immediate.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.