The Microblogging And Social Networking



Social networks continue to evolve day after day, these developments have allowed old trends of social media is still in full swing and bring the digital age to another level.

Today, it is common in various social platforms (FB, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest), brands offered in their social profiles information on various content related to the brand, these messages or system is known as micro-blogging. The micro-blogging is to publish entries with few characters or simple and simplified information, for minipost and in less time and with less effort than conventional post blogs.


Image: Pixabay

One of the social platforms that allowed this trend to continue evolving, was the popular social network Twitter. Today, this form to convey to users the branded content through links to videos, short sentences, individual images or photos has transferred to other social profiles like Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and Facebook, these social platforms have renewed its publishing system to allow followers to interact with the brand, which is why this trend is still widely used in social media strategies thanks to the strength of the immediacy of making use.

The magic of microblogging is agility reading and communication where the content, summaries of books, training pills … is synthesized. which they are triumphing at the lack of time to our world where days “have only” 24 hours.
Microblogging services have become an important source of real-time news for recent crisis situations the nature of short changes allows users to publish news quickly, reaching the audience in seconds.

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The microblogging trend will remain for a long time, because we are many people today who share what we observe in the environment, event information, and opinions are on certain issues. From this trend it is that many fashion bloggers, exercise, food and even agencies continue to show small touches of its contents.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.