Why And How To Monitor Social Media?

Social Media Monitor

Social Media Monitor

Social Media Monitoring is to monitor and analyze to know the development and results of the actions taken in social networks.

Why monitor social media?

Because you will get advantages as:

  • You’ll know for sure in social networks where your target moves.
  • You can discover influencers and start conversations with them or answer their questions, propose ideas, etc.
  • You will discover what content like most users are.
  • You can check what actions have worked and which are not within the Social Media strategy that has previously marked are.
  • You will meet the best interests of users who follow you and you will have more chances to offer them what they really need.
  • You have the ability to identify your target audience, for example, where they come from or what keywords have reached your brand.
  • You’ll know if your positioning campaigns had worked as planned .. or not.

Obviously, before we analyze what we have to do is establish what goals we want to achieve and KPI’s or indicators that allow us to see at all times whether activities are working or not.

In order to analyze and follow up the first thing to establish we are what we measure.

What should we measure to monitor?

  • The impact or attention: This is obtained through the reaction of users and measured through the visits received on the website or blog, bounce rates, new visits, clicks links on social platforms, offre interactions in social networks, conversion, ie the sales divided by the number of visits, organic traffic.
  • Authority: These are measured through mentions in social media, the more mentions more authority.
  • Interaction: Which is measured through the participation of users in your social platforms Likes and comments.
  • Influence: Defined by the number of subscribers you have your blog or amount of followers you have each of the social networks.

Related articles: Trends In Social Networks During The Second Half Of 2016

In order to perform a good monitoring is essential that you help good tools.

Monitoring Tools

  • Hootsuite: The free version is quite complete and works with more general social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn. You can take weekly analysis reports.
  • Social Mention: Monitors over a hundred pages of social networks and analyze information in more depth in addition to measuring the influence on four levels: strength, feeling, passion and scope.
  • HowSociable: Measures the presence of your brand and competition in social networks. You have a free version that you can analyze up to 12 social networking platforms. They work with scores obtained different platforms so you can see what works best and which need more attention.

What monitor tools do you use? If You like the post! In advance Thanks for sharing!


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.