Mobile Strategies: 5 Mobile Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Mobile Strategies 5 Mobile Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Look around you – most people are likely to be dug into their phones. With the penetration of smartphones, it is no surprise that mobile marketing is currently dominating the marketing world. 

Earlier mobile phones were merely used as a mode of communication but today they are used for a lot more purposes including communication, research and entertainment.

Mobile Strategies: 5 Mobile Marketing Trends You Need to Know Share on X

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Given that consumers spend more than 5 hours per day on smartphones, if there is one medium brands should adapt to, it is the mobile device. Here are 5 trends you must take note of to boost your mobile marketing strategy –

1. Mobile-First Indexing Approach

Google recently announced that it has started rolling out the mobile-first indexing. This means that Google will now start considering the mobile version of sites for ranking and indexing. With majority of the traffic coming from mobile devices and not desktops, this change is intended to deliver a better user experience.

Your website needs to offer an optimized browsing experience with speedy page loads and content appearing at the right places. An optimized site results in better visibility and conversions. So, if your website is not mobile-responsive, you are sure to see an impact in your search rankings.

Want to check whether your website is mobile-friendly? Take Google’s test to find out.

2. Use of Progressive Web Apps

Mobile browsing is meant to be quick and convenient. Taking this experience, a notch higher are progressive web apps which deliver an app experience on the web.

A hybrid of web and apps, progressive web apps have gained popularity as they are quicker to load, don’t take up much of the phone memory and avoid the hassles that come with downloading.

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So, move over native apps, progressive web apps are here to stay, and brands must leverage them to offer customers a more engaging and seamless experience.

3. Leverage Micro-Moments

Let’s accept it – we are all heavily dependent on our mobile phones. Whether it’s searching for the nearest Italian restaurant or looking for dessert recipes – our lives are made up of these ‘micro-moments’.

As defined by Google, a “micro-moment occurs when people reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made, and preferences shaped.”

Being a brand, you want to be present and offer value exactly when customers need it. This includes being optimized for search engines, offering a mobile optimized experience along with geotargeting and remarketing efforts.

4. Integrate Artificial Intelligence

One of the hottest, emerging trends today making its way into the world of mobile marketing is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It promises to amplify customer engagement by personalizing customer journeys with the help of AI-powered innovations such as messaging apps, chatbots and voice assistants.

AI also helps marketeers analyze behavioral data and determine the effectiveness of ad campaigns which was always a battle earlier.

Related articles: How Mobile Marketing Plays a Vital Role in Businesses Growth Infographic

Given the numerous benefits AI comes with, brands must use it to enhance their mobile marketing efforts and gain a competitive advantage, save costs and deliver a personalized customer experience.

5. Video Marketing

While you can write essays on your product or service, the question is whether the content you produce actually captures your customer’s attention?

As per eMarketer, customers are four times as likely to want to watch a product video than read a description proving mobile video marketing to be one of the most powerful tools to connect with customers as it provides a more engaging and immersive experience as compared to traditional advertising methods.

Apart from just moving towards video marketing, you must consider optimizing them for the mobile because that is where most of the traffic comes from.

 Download PDF – Mobile Strategies: 5 Mobile Marketing Trends You Need to Know

Mobile marketing is not the future – it has indeed already arrived. So, stay updated on these mobile marketing trends and integrate them in your marketing strategy to thrive in this mobile-first world.


Adela Belin

Adela Belin is a Social Media expert and a writer at Writers Per Hour. She creates content surrounding marketing with a focus on social media and digital marketing. Feel free to contact Adela on G+.