On October 28 space Truss Madrid in the Barclaycard Center hosted the third edition of Customer Experience Congress (CEC), which was presented by Juan Carlos Lozano, CEO of DIR & GE, the CEC2015 intended to show the keys to making the experience of customer a unique competitive advantage and to this end, included speeches from managers experienced professionals in managing the customer experience that came from leading companies in various sectors.
Today’s consumer has evolved, it is a hiperinformado and connected consumer looking to establish bidirectional connections with brands and is eminently digital and Omnichannel, reaching use up to six different channels as remarked Iago Gold CEC2015, Marketing & Solutions Director Prodware. In addition, as a result of the economic crisis period, the consumer has become an expert looking for the best quality in the shortest time possible and at the best price, as indicated Alvaro Villamizar, Country Manager of Dealz.
not worth to have a budget high advertising nor to find a creative way to capture consumer attention as I said in CEC2015 Jose Barco, Commercial Marketing Manager Southern Europe Cereal Category of Kellogg’s, but now we must go further.
has evolved and changed not only consumers but also the environment, it was one of the main ideas that aired in CEC2015. Carmen Garcia Director of IBM Commerce emphasized that we live in a world in which there is an oversupply, with the ease of changing consumer product or brand in a single click. For his part, Javier Hernandez, Head of Ecommerce and Marketing of Iberia Express, punctuated the voracity of competition in the online environment which is a challenge for ecommerce.
Being the current situation, the key is to get increase consumer engagement with them to establish lasting relationships based on delivering value through products and experiences that are offered.
José Barco and Kellogg’s, rely on product customization, to humanize the brand and reach consumers through a clear and consistent message, involving employees and getting to play the role of agents brand awareness.
In his speech in CEC2015, Carmen Porras, Head of Global CS Quality Assurance & OU Support of TNT, he invited us to reflect on what it really is Customer Experience: is not what the brand believes that customers want or need but what the customers express. Carmen emphasized the importance that customers get the same experience with the brand regardless of the channel they use, relying on multiple channels to strengthen the brand image. Similarly, he stressed the importance of coordinating the strategy of consumer experience throughout the entire organization, as well as the relationship between experiences and emotions, in his words “when emotions are at the service of the experience, inevitably is generating value for money for the consumer and the brand “
“The more I know, the more you will know how to make me happy,” he was one of the phrases that appeared in the introductory video presentation by Carmen Garcia CEC2015. The brands have a whole universe of data from the interactions of consumers with the brand, which as indicated by Enrique Gaya, Head of Experience and Customer Knowledge within the Directorate Customer Endesa have to help understand consumer needs and their relationship with the brand. Related data management Rubén Cid, Head of ‘Customer Engagement Solutions’ SAP Spain indicated that it is important to capture and centralize the maximum possible consumer information and contextualize them in real time.
Therefore, the brands have lots of information about their customers, which is why so Iago Oro invited attendees CEC2015 to implement technological change in their organizations and understand technology as an enabler of customer knowledge. With access to consumer information you can know the customer, enhance their experience and greater loyalty by rewarding their behavior. Something should be noted in the treatment of customer data: it is important to avoid dispersal of information, the unique and isolated data is useless, it has to rely on technologies that enable a single customer view, behavior and experience the brand. Iago also indicating, but as human beings we are reluctant to change innately, the medium has changed and it is necessary to adapt, “the time is now is now.”
Sergio de Leon, Director of E-Commerce, Digital and Media LG Spain, highlighted in CEC2015, in line indicating Iago, that we are in a time of change in which no longer enough to achieve improved operational efficiency making faster, cheaper and better things than before, but the level of demand has risen for all and the focus has to be on getting bring greater value to the consumer.
Santiago Revellado, Managing Director and founder of Medialabs spoke Revolution sticky marketing that includes devices such as the beacon or NFC (contactless technology), and also discovered the power that interactive real-time retargeting the “social mirror” screens, and They will have to improve the consumer experience.
As a new agent that is making a difference in e-commerce Paga + Evening, represented by Jose Maria Garcia Amezcua, Business Development Director, he captured the eyes of those attending the CEC2015. Pay + Tarde is a regulated entity specializing in deferred payment of purchases by consumers which aims to give greater opportunities to increase customer satisfaction.
Also in the field of electronic commerce Juan Sandes, SGEL Development Director & CEO of Celeritas, he highlighted the importance of logistics to meet the expectations and requirements of digital consumer delivery. He stressed how important it is for a properly sized ecommerce and presented a novel solution for delivering products online sales: delivery point of convenience. Today only 1 in 10 Spanish buyers who shop online use but in other countries it has become another form of collection.
“People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but never forget how you made them feel” is the quote from Maya Angelou Enrique Gaya used to close his presentation at CEC2015. The importance of Customer Experience as a differentiation strategy is a fact, both online and offline environment.
We leave you with some pictures of the event: