How Visual Content Build Your Business Identity On Instagram in 2020?

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How Visual Content Build Your Business Identity On Instagram in 2020

No other means of medium could be as effective as the visual medium in captivating the minds of a mass audience. 

For instance, the protagonist who is a newcomer will garner more attention and fame when compared to a radio jockey who has been in the industry for years, interaction with people. This implies how effective a visual medium is which could leave a long-lasting impression on peoples’ minds in a short time.

How Visual Content Build Your Business Identity On Instagram in 2020? Share on X

With Instagram being the visual-dominant platform it eases the process of building your brand identity on Instagram. Since the picture-dominant platform is coupled with IGTV, the video-streaming platform, it has further smoothened the process of garnering the audience and building brand identity as one could make use of any among the imagery and video platform that could help in effective brand building. Thus with all these features, Instagram itself has put for all of us on the table, the essential ingredients to build a brand identity on the platform.

Strike The Right Chord:

Brand identity is the most significant phase in brand building. Brand identity comprises of color scheme, typography, design templets and filters that all together fabricate the identity of your brand. In a nutshell, all these elements should be utilized in such a way that it stimulates a particular emotion among the viewers that match with your product. Thus tickling the right emotion in the viewer is the foremost essential one that will return in manifolds. Hence stimulating the essential emotion could be attained by choosing the appropriate color to showcase your brand. Since Instagram is a visual medium, color gradients dominate the major part of a picture. Thus, one should be aware of the color psychology in building their brand identity on Instagram platform as the colors play a dominant role in a visual medium.

Go With The Right Filter:

Choose the appropriate filter that goes best for your brand or product. On knowing the essential purpose of colors, Instagram offers you multiple color grading levels and filters that could be optimized for building the identity for your brand. Instagram has introduced a multitude of filters and frames in a wide range of colors. Thus once your visual content is all set to go on floors on the Instagram platform, have a glimpse at the wide range of color filters and frames that is available on Instagram. Make use of any of the filter that resonates your brand identity. You are provided with a multitude of coloring featuring along with the control to adjust your color levels. Hence choose a common color filter for your Instagram photos. The filter should gain a prominent place in such a way that the filter should remind your brand if it is used elsewhere. As the filter you choose is going to play a major role in framing your brand identity, choose the one after going through the multiple filters that Instagram has availed for its users.

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Common And Compact Template:

With millions of photos being uploaded on Instagram every day, choosing a common template that is perfect fit for the photos you upload plays a predominant role in building the identity for your brand. Once your posts get circulated largely and uplift your engagement on the platform, the template will stay etched on the memory of the users as chances are that your posts could be seen multiple times owing to the maximization in the engagement. This implies how a template plays its very own role in framing the identity of a brand. Thus picking the common and permanent template has its very own role to play in building the identity of a brand on the platform.

  • How Common Template Helps In The Brand building?

Choosing a common template, color scheme for your Instagram posts will benefit you largely. The template should be chosen by having multiple aspects in concern as it will be used for a long time and nearly for all of your posts. Hence for instance, if any of your users have unfollowed your page inadvertently, chances are more that he will get back to you if he spots your post on the explore tab. Since your posts have a common template it could be spotted among a huge chunk of photos. This could be made possible only if we go with a common template for your photos which will stay etched on the memory of your potential customers who could easily recognize your brand.

Amplify With Photo-Edit Apps:

There is a ton of photo editing applications available on the internet. Have a glimpse at the prominent photo editing applications. Photo-edit applications like Afterlight 2, Snapseed, Aviary and Canva offers you a multitude of color combinations and filters. It is up to you in choosing the right application that suits best for your images. These applications also enable you to create a color tone of your choice as it avails you to blend and customize colors. Some of these applications have their very own unique colors that could grab the eyeballs easily. These applications have a wide range of the blend of cool and vibrant colors that could easily entice the viewers. Thus amidst the availability of a huge number of frames and filters, one should have grasped the color psychology effectively in choosing the color tone for their Instagram posts that in turn uplift the identity of the brand.

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Make Stories Your Priority:

Introducing stories is the smartest move by Instagram to consistently improve the graph of its user base. The micro-videos though seem to be a short-form video could have a long-lasting impact on your brand. Making use of the video stories effectively will avail you to build an identity for your brand. Stories have a wide range of filters that could be used to amplify the engagement of the stories you post.

Build Identity With IGTV:

The inception of IGTV on Instagram has benefitted the brands in manifolds as the video platform which has come as the in-built feature with the Instagram application has facilitated the process of building the identity for the brand. The video platform has facilitated brands in building their identity as they could instantly grab the eyeballs of people if they come up with alluring video that reflects their brand. Hence having a common aspect in all these videos in terms of color tone, vocals or characters to be used will build an identity for the brand.


Thus Instagram has all the features that are essential to build the identity for a brand. It is up to the brands and creators in using it to its fullest potential to build the brand identity. 

General FAQs

Why is visual content important?

Visuals Content has better recall rates. The human brain is the most efficient when it’s dealing with visual content. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text. In content marketing, on average, a conversion happens after seven or more brand interactions. This number can go up or down depending on the interaction.

How effective is visual marketing?

Visual Marketing is very effective because of when consumers process information paired with relevant images, they retain 65% of that information three days later. 93% of human communication is visual. People are 80% more likely to read content if it’s paired with colorful visuals.

What is visual content marketing?

Visual content marketing is to use images to convey valuable information in an engaging visual format. Visual content marketing examples include images with educational or inspiring text, infographics, and “signature branded images” that promote written, audio, or video content.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.