Sia Elastic Heart: Sia Music Video Unleashed Controversy And Discomfort

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Sia Elastic Heart Video

Sia Elastic Heart Video

The new video for Sia “Elastic Heart” is removing sensitivities in social networks, blogs and numerous media where the singer is accused of promoting pedophilia. 

The single already knew from 2013 as part of the soundtrack of the second installment of the movie The Hunger Games Mockingjay, although it is now when finally Sia touted him as the second single from his album 1000 forms of fear.

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In this second single we meet again with the young dancer Maddie Ziegler, known by the American Dance Moms reality and to participate in the successful video clip Sia Chandelier. His partner in this video is the famous actor Shia LaBeouf Transformer, who danced an exciting and ground breaking choreography that is causing a stir during these first weeks of 2015.

Why the video for Sia Elastic Heart causes discomfort?

While the video is not lost and is able to stir the deepest emotions, if we look carefully can lead to multiple interpretations. There are those who attack for promoting pedophilia as the video clip is played by an adult man and a naked girl of 12 years, but where the presence of erotic language may be in the eye of the beholder. Dance and movement expression evokes our most unconscious emotions that can lead us out into the open by disturbing ways.

However, we can go further and see the representation as a projection of our “inner child” fighting their own fears and weaknesses, or cage as a symbolic element of an “I” caught in the conflict between two opposing personalities. The possibilities are endless and the internal movement that is causing this video is what is giving him the reputation as the number of visits growing daily.

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The controversy is served. Sia, for such a scenario, wanted to apologize for hurting sensitivities, sending this tweet a few days ago:

While magazines like Elle crossed out the video as creepy and uncomfortable, others tweeted: “If you found creepy Elastic Heart, consider you to be the agent of sexualization and repulsion.

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Given the widespread discomfort response to the video of Sia, one may wonder, who is really creating this feeling? Have any media responsible for creating an environment where perversion infects everything we see will be? 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.