Useful Internet Marketing Strategies for Hard Times

Internet Marketing Strategies

The impact of lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic has made it important for small and medium businesses to find an internet marketing company in phoenix that will provide them with the right marketing strategies that can ensure survival despite these hard times.

Useful Internet Marketing Strategies for Hard Times Share on X

According to news reports, it may take 3 years to recover. Recovery means getting back to business and making the economy grow. With the help of an internet marketing company in Phoenix, a business can employ strategies that focus on attracting more clients. Here are some strategies businesses can follow.

1. Amplify Target Marketing

It is obvious that during the time of recovery, there might not be enough money to spend on mass marketing strategies that target everyone and anyone. For example, it is not financially viable for a small business to take out an ad in the newspaper. Newspapers target a wide audience and there is no guarantee that whoever reads the ad will be interested in the service or product.

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It makes more sense to use mediums that target people more likely to end up as conversions. Internet marketing has several such strategies as we shall see.

2. Increase Spend on SEO

SEO is like a fishing net designed to trap specific fish. In the case of digital marketing, the fish are people searching for a particular service or product. SEO provides a pedestal that puts your website above others. It attracts people looking for the kind of content that you are providing. According to research, SEO accounts for 50% of traffic to a website

There are a lot of activities you would have to engage in to ensure successful SEO campaigns that guarantee value for money. These include:

  • Keyword research
  • Relevant content provision
  • Link building
  • Optimization for mobile

3. Double Social Media Efforts

Even though SEO may dwarf social media when it comes to website traffic, Social media still play a huge role in boosting digital marketing and yet the expense on social media does not have to be high. Social media is where interaction takes place. A business needs to interact with its customers and prospects. Using social media, a business can get to know its customer’s needs better as well as educate customers about the business.

It takes more than just having a social presence, you need to utilize that presence to your advantage. Think of the impact a viral post can have on the number of people contacting your business. When times are hard, people spend on things they can justify spending on. You can use social media to justify the importance of your product.

4. Increase Visibility

Internet marketing provides several opportunities to increase your visibility. Why is this important? Well, top of the mind awareness is one of the goals of marketing. You want to ensure that every time a person thinks of a particular service or product, your business is what comes to mind. For this reason, you need to be visible online.

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A strong social media presence is the first step, but you should go ahead to make your presence relevant. Think of providing webinars. Find interesting topics that you can educate people about. YouTube is also a great way to increase your visibility. Make relevant videos and share them on YouTube and encourage viewers to share and leave comments.

5. Give it Out Free

Giving things out free at a time when you are struggling to recover may sound insane. However, if you are ready to spend on advertising, why not use capital that you already have. Offering discounts and coupons for free products or services goes a long way towards hooking clients. They can get a test of your products and if they like it, they will come back. This can result in repeat business.You can also encourage people who get free stuff to write honest reviews. Reviews are a great marketing strategy.

6. Go Local

Why go very far when there are prospects near you. It is a proven fact that people are more likely to visit a business near them than one far off. Focusing on local SEO will make it easier for people near your business to find you. Ensure that you have listed your business on Google My Business and other local business directories online.

7. Learn From Competition

If your competition is succeeding, then there’s something they are doing right. Find out what the competition is doing right and improve on that to get ahead of them. There are many tools you can use to spy on the competition.

No matter how hard it may seem, remember that “tough times never last, but tough people do.” The amount of effort you put into internet marketing can determine the recovery of your business. Let your internet marketing agency guide you through all this.

General FAQs

What is the best strategy for marketing?

While social media, email, banner ads and other marketing tools generate website visits, SEO visibility is particularly important because search engines are the primary way users navigate the Internet.

What is the most powerful marketing tool?

Well you can and that tool is the internet, the most powerful marketing tool on earth with almost limitless reach. Many small businesses feel that old-school marketing tactics are sufficient.

What are the six marketing communication elements?

The six major modes of communication in marketing include advertising, digital marketing, direct marketing, personal selling, public relations and sales promotion.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.