Do Not Make Advertising On Facebook “Like Crazy”

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Facebook Advertising

You may be reading this article because it has struck you the title and because let’s face it, just to tell us not to do something to go and do it or at least “snooping” because they tell us not to.

Continuing with what has brought you here, I recognize that the title was missing a part of the sentence. What I wanted to say is that “do Facebook advertising like crazy”, ie without having had previous considerations and especially without a minimum knowledge.

I’m from I think, to be tested, to see results and then improve if we are left unemployed and would not do anything. But one thing is quite another try, is to spend money without having a minimal chance of results, albeit few.

Facebook Ads is very useful and my recommendation is to not go crazy and think campaigns like crazy without investing time in designing and defining all components that will influence and have some results or other.


Care design of the advertising campaign

By this I mean that you use images that connect with the essence of your brand and of course with what is by advertising, be a (physical or digital) product or service. No you need a super design, but consistency with the brand in terms of color, style, essence …

Take care the content of the campaign

Both text and image must be attractive and persuasive to incite the public to which you go to do what you want me to do (download anything free, buy something, access to a free course, contact you, visit your web …)

Related articles: What Is Social Prospecting?

The text is one of the most important parts, should include good headlines because advertising and content in general enters the eye. Besides having a good image to highlight the text you include in it you must be very thought with a call to action.

Get trained and get informed

Not that I can tinker yourself, yes, but with some prior knowledge, because not have to go through so much trial error. In this regard, I recommend the blog of Neil Patel, its contents and webinars and give you plenty of information for people who do not manage Facebook Ads.

Take care that you offer content

The aim of the campaign can be varied. If you’re going to advertise is a free content, it must be very focused to wake the ideal customer interest.

If the campaign is aimed at capturing subscribers and you will advertise a lead magnet in exchange you get the email, you must be very careful design, content and quality of what you offer. It seems obvious, but you can not imagine, people no advertising digital products of low quality, with a design very little care and what is almost worse, without interest to your target audience.

In all online actions of a business, and advertising on Facebook was not going to be outdone, keep in mind the ideal customer, not only to segment the target audience, it is also important to know perfectly the ideal customer you want to attract.

The landing page

The page where you will lead people to interact with your ad is as important or more than the campaign itself. Anything you would create a super-efficient campaign if when they reach the landing page (page sales) or squeeze page (capture email), it does not have an attractive design, a compelling and persuasive copy and calls to action appropriate for the visitor to take the desired action.

Related articles: Importance of Images in Social Networks

For these reasons, it is important to allocate resources (time, money, people …) among all the components that make Facebook Ads campaign (text, images, landing page …)

Take care brand image

Everything, absolutely everything, must be consistent with your brand in style, color and essence. The theme color is more or less obvious to most, but many forget the essence. It would not be advisable to use certain images, which are very impressive if not jibe with the usual brand communication.

Dare to innovate

Analyzes what kind of campaigns are performing other professionals and companies and get inspired them but also dare to innovate.

The use of video on Facebook is something that is not yet heavily exploited brings very good results.

In short, take your time to create each campaign, if not, you’re wasting time and money.

Always remember that any online action must be consistent with the brand in terms of design, values and essence, and always keep in mind the ideal customer, just so you can get the best results.

Have you campaigned Facebook Ads? I’d love to hear about your experience!


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.