How To Get Amazing Results From Your Blog Posts?

Blog Posts

Blogging becomes a need for those who want a strong online presence for their businesses.

Right? Well, you all know it’s absolutely true!

For quite a long time, people have promoted their businesses via content marketing. To remain at the top position in your competition in any niche, you should effectively improve and grow your blog.

How To Get Amazing Results From Your Blog Posts? Share on X

Numerous elements go well in building a great blog. Collecting the best set of information, picking the right tools, and implementing the best techniques. All of these approaches have a powerful effect on how successful a blog will be and how you can get the most out of it.

So, without wasting time, let’s jump into it!

Know Your Audience Better

Before getting started, ask yourself these questions:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What age group are you going to target?
  • How much education do they need to be to read your posts?
  • Are there any cultural specifications?
  • How can you help them through your content?
  • And most significantly: Why would they choose to visit your site?

If you don’t know much about your blog readers or your audience, you are running in the dark. So, here we would like to mention 3 approaches to know your audience better.

  • Interview Different People

Start with individuals you know better, then extend to names in your niche. Gather some basic information, create statistics, and make graphs. As a blogger, you can use polls and surveys as effective tools at hand. Polling your blog readers will help you to find your demographics.

Use interviews, polls, or surveys to figure out who is reading and who might be reading. Get information about their genders, ages, interests, occupations, etc. Give them a chance to reach you, introduce themselves, and discuss their experience regarding your content or blog. For what reason did they decide to follow your blog? What type of posts are their top choices?

  • Use Facebook Data

There is a lot of data on your Facebook Page (I expect you have one for your blog, if not then just go & make one quickly). You simply need to realize where to find it. Go to the Insights tab of your page.

  • Use Forums

Forums are great options to observe what’s boiling in your niche. They can help you know what your audience finds intriguing and significant at that time.

Web Hosting Talk and WebmasterWorld are two common choices. They can give you a better understanding of what people in your field are concerned about.

Create an Incredible About Page

A really astonishing About Page needs to have something unique other than just the facts about your business. It needs to be the tale of you, and how you developed your company, what your strong beliefs are, and what makes you unique as compared to your competitors. Here are some basic points of a decent About Page.

  • Make an incredible opening hook that grabs the attention of your readers.
  • Keep it personal.
  • Share your history.

The About Page needs to be an impression of your company statement and your own character. Make it intriguing and make your readers feel like they already know you on a personal level.

Make your Blog the Place Get Answers

The best blogs know their readers so well that they will always have helpful answers for them.

They will do this by creating content that answers the questions they are asking.

Readers will build relationships with blogs that solve their problems by answering their questions. 

Many sites like Goquickr show people how to leverage their blog for economic success.

The Answer Economy is already here and will only grow as people look for recommendations and expert opinions from bloggers and companies taking the time to answer the public questions.

Improve the Design of Your Blog

It takes the normal individual 0.05 seconds to make a strong opinion regarding your site. That means you only have like 50 milliseconds to establish a great first connection with your reader.

By this fact, it’s very clear that the individual has not had the opportunity to read a bit of your content. What does that mean? The vast majority’s first impression of your site is made dependent on the design and images, which the human brain measures quicker than text.

So, here are three ways to improve it, you don’t need to enlist photographers and agencies to get wonderful photographs for your site.

  • Use picture editors like “Canva” to create or edit your own pix.
  • Record your screen and make some GIFs from free tools available online like “ScreenToGif”.
  • Hire a freelance graphic designer from online platforms like “Fiverr

There are innumerable picture catalogs where you can get dazzling and free photographs. “Pixabay” is my most loved due to its adaptability. There are no requirements, so you can do anything you desire with the pictures you get from this source.

Furthermore, it’s super easy to utilize – there’s even a basic search option available straight on the landing page accessible before you even sign in. You’ll get full access to those photographs, illustrations, etc. Also, you can filter down these as required.

Do On-Page SEO

When you have better internet search rankings, you will see an expansion in your blog’s traffic and income. Sorting out the sacred goal of how to rank higher in Google can appear to be overwhelming, though.

While the facts demonstrate that exploration and improving off-page factors, (for example, acquiring links) are normally significant, there are a lot of easy pickings in SEO that numerous bloggers overlook.

Google routinely changes the algorithms, so it very well may be hard to sort out exactly what Google needs.

There are three things you need to observe the most if you want to rank well in Google’s web index: Content, authority, and user experience.

These elements meet up and consolidate into what Google considers a “great” blog that is deserving of a higher positioning in their result lists.

Find Unique Content Ideas

You can’t deny that great, elegantly written content is important but you need to engage your readers. In any case, it isn’t sufficient to direct people to your site by itself.

  • Use Your Google Search Console

Check your Google Search Console. Discover what kind of content your readers would love to read. Which pieces would they say they are connecting with or sharing regularly? Write more of those posts or repurpose the less famous ones to make them more like the popular ones.

  • Use Different Media Platforms

Be inspired by popular content on YouTube Channels, Podcasts, SlideShare, etc. This is an insight into what individuals in your niche need to find out about.

Use YouTube to know what vloggers in your niche are doing. Discover which videos are generally preferable in their channels. Transform those famous videos into blog content.

On SlideShare, you can visit the Most Popular page to discover which slides are getting the interest of the website’s readers.

Find out what’s trending on Twitter? This can offer you some insights into current topics that your audience is finding out about. Remember: Not all stuff that is trending on Twitter is related to your field or niche, so be selective.

Create a Hub Page for your Best Posts

Check some of the different categories of topics posted on your site. Did you miss any categories? Can you make a hub page and enlist your great posts in that category?

Or, perhaps you just need to point out a particular topic over others because your analysis has indicated that your blog’s readers are most interested in X post.

You can make charts regarding those topics, some basic elements into a chart, add some color, and grab the attention of your readers for those topics.

Connect with Others

A lot of blogging guides you’ll get online today will mainly focus on improving your writing style or creating more content. But the reality is that more, or even great content, is not always the right solution.

Sometimes, it’s more intelligent to move back from making more content and check different things that you can do to drive great outcomes from blogging, like connecting with your peers.

At first thought, it probably won’t appear to be a smart approach to talk to other bloggers in your niche. After all, you both are competing for similar traffic.

But still, connecting with another blogger can benefit you both. There is sufficient traffic to share and when bloggers recommend each other, their readers tend to pay attention.

Make a Great Team

As your business or company grows, so should your group or team. Find individuals who are trustworthy and provide great work for you. These individuals will complete the tasks by getting minor directions from you, once they’re trained properly.

This permits you to extend your promotional and content efforts nearly like you are cloning yourself.

Wrap up

With a great team and consistent content, your blog should keep on extending its reach. After some time, you’ll acquire new traffic from multiple efforts. Improving your blog is definitely not a one-time task. You should keep improving your blog frequently if you want to get the most out of it.

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General FAQs

How do you appreciate blog posts?

Have you tweeted the post? If so, mention it in your comment. This will let the blogger know that you respect what he/she has written and that you appreciate and value the great work that he/she does.

What makes a successful blog post?

A good blog post is about one topic, one story, one idea. Before you begin blogging, figure out what you want to write about. Choose a mock headline to give yourself some structure (you can always change it later), and start writing. Good titles are interesting, descriptive, and engaging.

How do you measure the success of a blog post?

If you’re just measuring traffic to your blog, a post with 100,000 visits may look like a sweeping success.
In total, there are five blog metrics you should track in Google Analytics to measure the performance of your blog:
1. Pageviews.
2. Average Time on Page.
3. Average Pages Per Session.
4. Returning Visitors.
5. Goal Conversion Rate.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.