Top Tips For Spotify

Spotify Web Player

Spotify Web Player

Spotify is a music service streaming which has a user base of over 75 million and over 30 million songs available, is undoubtedly one of the best ways to listen to music from the web or through mobile devices . Being such a popular service, this time we want to share some of the best tricks to Spotify, aimed at achieving maximum performance and the best experience when listening to your favorite music.

Tips for Spotify

For example, Spotify has a so-called “weekly discovery” feature, which allows us to access a collection of songs suggested from an algorithm that is based on our musical preferences. You can not only that, use this feature to get music recommendations based on the type of contacts that have aggregated with similar musical preferences. In addition, these recommendations are updated weekly every Monday and displayed at the top of the playlist folder, making it easy to access from the mobile application.

Along with this, you can also look at your history in Spotify and add those songs that you could not hear. That is, if you want to get a song that appeared in a playlist or a radio station at some point, you just have to enter Spotify, then press or click on the toolbar icon with sidebars located in the part lower right. Here you can visualize what the songs are reproduced below as well as those that have already been played.

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You also have the option to add songs from Shazam, one of the best applications to identify songs from your mobile phone. Spotify lets you synchronize this application with your service so that all the songs that interest you, you can add to the playlist Spotify. Also, once you’ve synchronized the two applications, simply press on the arrow shown beside the play button where a menu is displayed Spotify available as an option. When the song begins to play on Spotify, you can add it to the library easily songs.

Finally you can also drag songs to share with other users. This way you can share what you hear through a message or an email. If you do this, the service will create a text in seconds with the song, album and artist.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.