Automating Business Management with Quickbooks POS and Magento Integration

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For retailers, seamless online selling has become inevitably important as COVID-19’s impact has eliminated millions of small businesses’ ability to sell in-person. 

Although these government-mandated closures like social distancing and nation-wide lockdowns are temporary, it will impact small to medium retail business operations for long terms. After the crisis is over, the selling of non-essential goods online will increase significantly.

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It necessitates physical retail businesses to manage their both marketing channels more efficiently while also providing an integrated and comprehensive customer experience. For that, they need POS ecommerce integration solutions. The integration can augment their overall sales and serve as a primary channel for sales and other operations.

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We have put together this post to highlight the importance of bridging the gap between online sales and physical retail sales for small retail businesses with POS like Quickbooks and ecommerce platforms like Magento integration.

POS Integration

Challenges of Managing Your Online Ecommerce Store and POS System Separately

If retailers don’t integrate their POS system with an online store, it negatively affects their customers’ shopping experience. Following are the things their customers will face:

  • Inaccurate product data
  • Slow shipping times
  • Wrong inventory levels
  • Lack of omnichannel shopping experience

Thus, it’s important to recognize the importance of integrating your POS system like Quickbooks with your online ecommerce store like Magento.

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POS integration with Ecommerce

At first, it would look daunting because of costs or risks of business disruption that may arise due to the changing existing systems. But, it becomes worth it when you consider the impact it can have on your operations and customer experience. When both brick and mortar stores and online ecommerce stores are integrated, your team at both stores don’t have to manually move data between them. The POS integration with ecommerce platform takes the following processes under its control (from the team at both ends) and enable you to:

  • Sync offline and offline sales from one platform
  • Import sales orders from ecommerce to POS and vice versa
  • Manage inventory levels after-sales
  • Manage shipping information and tracking status from POS to ecommerce channels
  • Import product data from POS to your ecommerce channels and vice versa

Benefits of POS integration with Ecommerce

Integrating POS with Ecommerce leads to these benefits:

  • Enables automatic notification to all customers when the orders are shipped
  • Enables customers to pick up online orders from your physical store
  • Provides accurate inventory levels to avoid overselling
  • Eliminates manual entry of data to save time while reducing errors
  • Syncs online customer data between ecommerce platforms and POS
  • Enables the flexibility to add more sales channels and handle the growth

Quickbooks POS and its features

Quickbooks POS is one of the top accounting software that has been developed with the sole purpose to manage inventory, sales, and payroll. It also looks at other needs of small-sized businesses. Let’s look at some of the features of Quickbooks POS:

  • Simplified basic daily tasks due to its user-friendly interface
  • Automatic update of your inventory without the requirement of manually putting the information
  • Expedited payment process within just a few clicks

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Magento and its features

Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open-source technology. It provides online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content, and functionality of their online store. Magento offers powerful marketing, SEO, and catalog-management tools. Let’s look at some of the main features of Magento:

  • Order management
  • SEO
  • Site management
  • Analytics and Reporting
  • Catalog browsing and management

Benefits of Quickbooks POS and Magento integration

Quickbooks POS integration with Magento enables you to expand beyond the boundaries of your physical stores. By integrating your brick and mortar store to Magento online ecommerce platform, you can sell your in-store product while ensuring that quantity and prices stay in sync. It allows you to manage your inventory and your online ecommerce platform from one unified platform. The integration of Quickbooks POS with the Magento ecommerce platform enables retailers to:

  • Smoothly export and import entire details of customers, products, and orders
  • Prevents from any duplicate data entry and other problems occurring due to manual data entry
  • Saves time and enhances speed that is usually consumed in data synchronization

Also, the Quickbooks POS integration with Magento enables syncing of in-store products with Google’s local inventory ads platform. It enables shoppers to view your store inventory in real-time when they search for products on their smartphones. When the shoppers click on your ad, they will land on a Google-hosted web page of the store which is known as ‘Local Storefront’. Shoppers can use the local storefront to view your in-store inventory, check stock availability, see store hours, avail promotions, and find directions.


All in all, the Quickbooks POS Integration with Magento will allow the retailers to take full benefits of the synergy between their online store and offline business. Indeed, it is one of the cost-effective and efficient ways to skyrocket your business and provide an omnichannel shopping experience to your customers.

General FAQs

What is meant by business automation?

Business process automation (BPA), also known as business automation or digital transformation, is the technology-enabled automation of complex business processes. It can streamline a business for simplicity, achieve digital transformation, increase service quality, improve service delivery or contain costs.

Why is automation important in business?

Business process automation is very quickly becoming a highly strategic enabler of business control and agility and a very important tool in the CIO’s kitbag. As demand increases for businesses to perform complex, labour-intensive tasks, the goal is to automate as many manual processes as possible.

What is automation in management?

Automation is the art of making processes or machines self-acting or self-moving. Automation also means the technique of making a device, machine, process, or procedure more fully automatic.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.