Best Social Media Practices for Business Growth

Best Social Media Practices

Social media is not just a platform for sharing viral memes, videos, and trends. For businesses, it’s a way to leverage growth. However, this can only be achieved if your social media marketing campaign is well-planned and incorporates all the right strategies. To help you stay ahead of the competition, we have compiled this highly-relevant social media guide. Here are the best social media practices that you need to know about if you’re looking to grow your brand and your business.

Best Social Media Practices for Business Growth Share on X

Figure Out Which Platforms Are Good for Business

It’s an understatement to say that social media platforms have many users. If you don’t know your target audience, trying to market your service or products would be like trying to take a shot in the dark, and chances are you’ll miss most of the time. A big part of knowing your audience is figuring out which social media platform they prefer to use. This also helps you to figure out the type of content that’s best to use.

Generally, Facebook is great for engaging with local community groups by commenting on posts that generate interest. On the other hand, Instagram is heavily focused on visuals, and if most of your audience is on Instagram, then you’ll do well by sharing interesting photos, images, and videos related to your business. Then there’s Twitter, where you can interact with your audience by participating in the latest trends and leveraging popular hashtags to promote interest in your business. Last but not least, LinkedIn is a professional platform that is conducive to establishing your brand and reputation as well as your credibility by sharing industry-relevant news.

Attract and Engage Customers

While it’s true that social media helps you stay connected with your existing customers, it’s also a powerful channel for drawing in more customers. There are many effective strategies that can help you attract and engage new customers for your business. The best way is to encourage referrals from your current customers. Most companies capitalize on referrals by offering incentives, such as a free product for every customer that refers another person to your business on social media.

Another way to attract new customers is by running social media contests that generate interest. The good news is that social media contests won’t mess with your budget and are a great way to attract and engage because everything is done in a fun spirit. Besides contests, another great idea for growing a larger customer base is by posting links that lead visitors to your blog where they can find a wealth of information about your business.

Once you’re directing more visitors to your site, chances are you’ll also see an improvement in conversions. Overall, the best way to attract and engage your audience on social media is by maintaining a constant online presence. Be quick to respond to your audience, and this positive interaction will continually attract more customers.

Keep an Eye On Your Competitors

Performing a social media competitive analysis can also help your business grow. When you analyze your competition the right way, you’re able to discover what makes them tick and what their strengths and weaknesses are. This will help you create your own benchmark for success and reveal areas where there are opportunities for growth.

When performing a social media competitive analysis, you’ll first have to identify the top competitors in your field so you know what you’re going up against. The next step is to analyze and learn from their social media strategy by using it as a comparison to discover weaknesses and gaps in your own social media marketing strategy. Successful social media competitors can teach you a lot about how to run your own successful social media campaign.

Focus On Quality Content

Social media platforms provide businesses with many opportunities to constantly churn out content, but that doesn’t always guarantee engagement. As such, it’s better to focus on creating quality content that resonates with your audience and creates an emotional connection. One key element of quality content is that it provides value. Your audience is probably tired of businesses that approach them with the intent to sell every single time they interact. As a general rule, consumers hate overly salesy language, especially when it seems insincere and is coming from a business that has failed to build a relationship with their audience.

The best approach is to find out how you can build a relationship with your social media followers. For instance, you can be their trusted and reliable source of information about a particular topic or subject in your industry. Give your followers valuable content and be sure to engage with them in the comments. You should add some personal stories to humanize your business, too.

Take Advantage of Social Media Management Tools

Nearly every business today has a social media presence on one platform or another. When you first started using social media as a marketing tool, no doubt, you first developed some kind of social media marketing plan. But how do you know if that original plan is working? That’s where social media management tools come in. They are designed to help you keep an eye on how well your strategies are working and which areas need tweaking. For instance, some tools provide social media analytics data, such as the level of engagement you have received on different posts.

However, some social media management tools can do so much more than that. There are dedicated tools that will help you manage multiple social media accounts effectively. This will come in handy as your business expands because you won’t have the hassle of keeping track of multiple login details. The most important part about using a social media management tool is the ability to schedule posts ahead of time. This makes you more organized and proves to your audience that you can be consistent while also saving you time, money, and effort.

Engage In Social Media Listening

As the name suggests, social media listening is all about putting your ear to the ground with the aim of discovering what people are saying about your business or its services, products, and brand name. Successful social media marketing is not about pitching and selling to consumers all the time. You also have to hear about what they have to say and the kind of conversations they like engaging in. When you focus on social media listening, it means you’ll know exactly about what your audience wants and what they like to discuss.

For instance, you may find out that your audience is complaining about a competitor. Once you find out the reason for the complaints, you can then position yourself as a solution, winning yourself new customers in the process. Social media listening also motivates you to improve on delivery and customer service based on the feedback you would have gathered. The key factors to use for this process include the type of content, post frequency, level of engagement, and branding.

Learning all about social media marketing and the best practices can be tricky, but this social media guide is here to keep you going in the right direction. By applying the tips outlined above, you’ll be able to use social media marketing to boost business growth. The business world is rapidly evolving, and social marketing is now the top prescribed action for companies that want to boost their bottom line.

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General FAQs

What makes a social media platform successful?

Every successful social media platform has three main features: the profiles, the feeds, and the connections.

Why Facebook is the best social media for business?

What makes Facebook one of the best social media platforms for business is its targeted digital advertising platform. With Facebook ads, you are able to target those who are most likely willing and ready to purchase your products or services.

Why social media is good for business?

Benefits of social media for business: attract customers, get customer feedback and build customer loyalty. increase your market reach, including international markets. do market research and reduce marketing costs. increase revenue by building customer networks and advertising.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.