I Have A List Of Subscribers And Now What?

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

There are hundreds of websites offering delicious gifts and professionals to capture the email. If you know the power of email marketing, you too will have created a powerful magnet lead to offer it in exchange for the email and your list will be growing with new subscribers every week and the best, every day.

If you’re right with the issue of lead magnet, your mailing list will be filled with potential customers but … Do you really know what to do with them? Do you plan what strategy you will follow for this list to be really profitable? How are you going to convert prospects into customers?

Today many businesses and professionals know the power of email marketing and have followed a strategy of attracting subscribers, so your potential customer is probably included in many lists and receive newsletters and emails from hundreds of brands and professionals, including probably, your competition.

In this scenario, subscribers inboxes are saturated with emails, newsletters, promotions, offers and spam. So now we have to make an extra effort to care for our subscribers and keep them interested in staying in our list.

Your potential customer is saturated with newsletters, mímale to keep your interest.



In your mailing list, as in other things, quality is more important than quantity.

The creation of a free resource (ebook, video, guide …) to give away in exchange for the email you provide is the software to get to grow your mailing list strategy. But you’re really catching suitable emails, you must be successful in the subject and content of the lead magnet. It is no use to capture hundreds or thousands subscribers if they are not potentially interested persons in the services and / or products you offer.

In the planning and creation of lead magnet to keep in mind always your ideal client. You must create a resource that will solve a specific problem to want to give you their email in return. To make sure that people are potentially interested in what you sell, the problem that solves the lead magnet should be related to your products or services.

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To make you understand. If you are selling coach and coaching sessions and programs related to happiness, reinvent or achieve your goals, the theme of Lead magnet should be related to the benefits they bring your own programs. Something like “7 Steps to reinvent”, “the keys to being happier in 30 days.”

To take advantage of your mailing list subscribers and offer what they need and keep them interested, it must contain emails of people that fit with your ideal client.


If you’ve spent time, effort and money to create your mailing list, it makes little sense not maintain regular contact via email. Constancy and regularity are factors to be taken into account. It is advisable to set a fixed schedule shipments with a predefined content. also defined above, the format of emails that you are sending, structure, tone …

For example, you can send a weekly newsletter with links to the post you have written during the week and other shipments nonrecurring where you send information on new products or releases, promotions, offers … There is nothing set, it is a matter of taste what best it works for you.

Keep interested

After downloading or access to free content, some subscribers may be disenrolled. This is part of normal, do not be angry and think that these people were not your ideal client. You should get to keep the interest of those who remain interested in what you offer them through your emails. You will have to be very generous and give them plenty of free content value. Do not try to sell to the first exchange or scare them. Once part of your list, mímales, take care of them and establishes a close relationship with them. How? There is no magic formula. You must know perfectly to your subscribers know what they care about and what they need and offer it.

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Trust is the key to a subscriber decides to buy sometime factor. By the content of the emails you send should get empathize with your subscribers and show them that you know their needs and problems. You must also show that you know what you’re talking about, to dominate your industry and communicate your value proposition. Convey why they should buy from you over your competition sometimes is not easy but if you have a proposal for a unique and authentic value will be much easier. The confidence you have generated every week, is what will make the difference.

GET THAT the underwriters take action

Normally all costs we interact with brands or businesses, we do not usually carry out actions unless we are very, very interested or convinced. Your subscribers either. Some of your goals should be to get them to contact you to ask about your products or services, click on the links you include them in emails, respond to your questions …

If you want to do some action ask for it. If there is a link, invite them to click. If you want to contact you for a consultation, I Make this easy and remind them that they can do with a sentence at the end of each email or a permanent end that offers a free consultation for example banner. If you want information about what they need or preferences, ask.


It is common to find professionals or companies that perform actions to capture emails, grow your mailing list and then only send emails with links to what they write in their blog and say they do not manage to sell. One reason is that subscribers are arranged to receive the email with the post but do not enter the web, much less surf it, so you do not really know what products and / or services offered by the professional or company. Thus it is very difficult to reach subscribers buy even know what they can do for them.


As I said before, I think we are all saturated with emails (informative or commercial). To capture the interest of subscribers, maintain and get you to buy, no choice but to innovate. Do not be afraid to send different emails to invent ways to capture the attention of your readers. If you do what all businesses in your industry, you will be one more and hardly will stand out.


It is possible that at some point feel that you are making a great effort to plan and create the newsletter and then nobody reads. Many will read even if you do not know. From experience, many subscribers read the emails received but not interact and a good day you write telling you how valuable it is what you send them. Opening percentages are important, for it must create issues email to invite her. But it is also important that people who open the email, read it and interested in what they receive.

The keys to pamper your subscriber list and get what you want.

The power of email marketing is tremendous, if you know how to use it. There is no point implementing strategies to attract subscribers and then not know what to do with them or not you have planned a strategy to get you to buy.

It is no use having thousands of subscribers if you do not know what you do with them.

You have mailing list? Do you have email marketing strategy? What has worked best for you?


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.