Live Videos Vs Animated Videos: Which Types of Marketing Videos Attains More Traffic

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Live Videos Vs Animated Videos

Whether we talk about animated videos, explainer videos, whiteboard videos, live videos, etc., marketers are fond of using different types of marketing videos to develop a sense of trust in their brands. 

Using videos as part of a marketing campaign is no more a trend nowadays but has become a practice to bring a brand into the limelight.

Live Videos Vs Animated Videos: Which Types of Marketing Videos Attains More Traffic Share on X

It’s all about delivering your message to a target audience while presenting your products and services as solutions to the pain points of viewers. The end goal of a marketing video is to make viewers acknowledge, understand and rely on your services.

Animated Videos Gif

Psychologically, visual learning is more impactful rather than verbal learning. A human tends to learn more when explained with graphics along with curated content and a native voice over. This idea has boomed the video industry worldwide with a high number of organizations interested in using videos to market their products and services to their target audiences.

Take a look at the following stats!

  • The brain processes videos 60,000 times faster than text
  • A video is worth 1.8 million words
  • A single video has the reach of 100 marketing executives

Though organizations have a number of options when it comes to the types of videos, explainer videos and live videos are often preferred above others. Both types of videos have their pros in generating higher engagement in different ways, but explainer videos are a way better at storytelling as you can include, explain and customize everything in few seconds which is usually tough when dealing with live videos.

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This post explains the power of explainer videos in boosting the customer retention rate, driving revenue, building brand proposition while giving examples of companies which have gained huge success by making them  part of their Digital Marketing.

No need of location, crew, and set

One of the major benefits of animated videos is that they don’t need actors or expensive locations. Live videos are usually expensive as they require sets to build or locations to find, and temperamental actors to coddle while taking 4 to 5 days to get completed. On the other hand, animated explainer videos save your time, money, and energy. What makes explainer videos better than live videos is their capability in describing abstract products and services which is hard to do with live videos.

Graphics are critical in explainer videos as they can explain about anything with the help of condensed content, nurturing the connection between brands and target audiences

Animated videos also work best for abstract products or services. They represent a way to simplify complex topics and bring them to life, by engaging with the audience.

Live Action Videos aren’t budget friendly

Animation Videos

A high cost of live action videos is a major drawback. Higher the complexity and quality of videos, the more expensive it becomes.

Moreover, you can only edit once the footage has been recorded. The problem arises when you miss a scene or want to add in a few extra words.

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You would have to call the crew back, location and setup back together to add the scenes you have missed. But animated videos allow you customize anytime and the procedure to make changes is straightforward. Don’t forget that live videos require the location, camera, sound gear, and talent to produce realistic footage.

Download PDF – Live Videos Vs Animated Videos: Which Types of Marketing Videos Attains More Traffic

Final words about Marketing Videos:

Animated Explainer videos are perfect to pitch your prospects. You can turn your vision out with the help graphics and to the point content. No matter what your idea is, your audience is likely to understand it while taking actions regarding the purchase.


Danish Wadhwa

He is a strategic thinker and an IT Pro. With more than six years of experience in the digital marketing industry, he is more than a results-driven individual. He is well-versed in providing high-end technical support, optimizing sales and automating tools to stimulate productivity for businesses.