Make yourself known with a magazine

Strategy Marketing

Strategy Marketing

There are several types of magazines that are not sold in kiosks that work as powerful marketing tools, even more so if in recent times. 

In addition to the catalogs that adopt the structure of the magazines, with articles and photographic reports of a style very similar to those that are oriented towards promotion, it is also worth mentioning the sectoral journals and those of certain associations, in which advertising plays a basic paper. We tell you how to stand out from your competition with one of these publications.

Make yourself known with a magazine Share on X

Associations magazines

Neighborhood associations, as well as merchants and businessmen, usually publish magazines that, in addition to the corresponding texts, include advertising of the businesses that wish to appear in them. Their texts can be oriented to inform about events and celebrations, news, celebration programs, details of interest about the neighborhood or municipality, recipes and interviews to personalities of the area, among others. The couché paper of good quality, whose touch and thickness invite reading while being resistant.

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They are usually paid for thanks to advertising, which, on the other hand, is usually affordable for the advertiser. In this way, publications of interest to readers are obtained, in which businesses in the area find a window to highlight the best of themselves. Therefore, include an advertisement in one of these publications, highlighting your contact information and the services you provide, can help you to attract new customers in your area.

Corporate journals

Corporate magazines, although a priori do not seem to fit as an advertising strategy between SMEs and the self-employed, constitute a very effective promotional tool, as they infuse a halo of prestige into the business and satisfy their communication needs. However, they run the risk of being boring, so it is essential to find a balance between the reinforcement of the brand image and a monograph on internal issues of the company that an external reader might not interest at all.

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A very effective idea is the hybrid between magazine and catalog: it consists of grouping those products or services that we want to highlight around different topics. In this way, we do not present them alone, but we can encourage cross sales by showing their interaction with others.

Sector magazines

In them, the novelties of the sector in question are reviewed and it is also possible to insert advertising of our company, as well as star in a report that accounts for some milestone achieved by our business recently. In these cases, such advertising tends to be more aimed at gaining prestige among our competitors than at capturing customers on their own, since the public tends to be composed by professionals in the field. However, it is always possible to obtain recommendations from other entrepreneurs operating in areas different from ours, so it is worthwhile to cultivate a solid brand image also among them.

In summary, magazines have become such a versatile tool that, regardless of the sector of our business, it is easy to find the one that will best adapt to us and more will help us to continue improving our position in the market. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.