This Is The New Image Of Instagram

Logo Instagram

Logo Instagram

They have had to spend several years so that we can attend a complete change in the design of Instagram. However, it has finally happened. On May 11 Instagram released its new image.

Many already have observed this change in design and icon of this platform, and is now the icon of photographic social network has adopted a new more minimalist design with a stylized icon of a camera on a gradient background background, keeping present the classic rainbow social network with orange, yellow, magenta and purple as main colors.

Yes, the change has not come alone. Thus, other satellites applications Instagram also updated its design. Layout, Boomerang or Hyperlapse have also seen a change in its design, being observed in all the gradient rainbow that now characterizes the logo of Instagram.

The new logos Instagram, Layout, Boomerang and Hyperlapse
The new logos Instagram, Layout, Boomerang and Hyperlapse

Similarly, it was not only the icon of the platform which has been updated. Instagram has also included some improvements in the very appearance of the mobile application. The simplicity and usability have been the epicenter of this change that allows users’ attention is more focused on their own photos and videos, without changing the form of navigation in it.
So the new interface looks Instagram
So the new interface looks Instagram

The application interface has adopted a minimalist style with white as clear protagonist in color, although the buttons and functions remain as in the previous version to avoid altering the usability. Indeed, the idea of ​​abandoning the classic blue header with the objective of focusing on photos and videos to share users.

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From Instagram they have pointed out that this change of image responds precisely to the change that has suffered the social network. And it is that in recent years the platform has gone from being a space to share photos with filters to create a global community of interests which currently publish more than 80 million daily photos and videos. Thus, according to the company, this update design refers to the vibrant and diverse that have become the stories that are shared on Instagram every day.

However, not all users agree with this facelift Instagram. There are many who miss the ‘retro’ character precisely differentiated social network photographic quintessential other platforms.

Do you think successful makeover of Instagram?


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.