Say Goodbye To Google And Welcomes Alphabet



The giant Google is called from a few months Alphabet

Google, the great technological giant of our world, will be called from a few months Alphabet, ushering in a complete restructuring of the company.

Thus, the decision that has been taken from Mountain View is part of a structural reorganization from which Alphabet Inc. will become the parent of all company business. Thus, the search and related businesses to the digital world, such as YouTube, Android or Chrome, will continue to receive the name of Google, which, as happens with other projects and companies, will become a subsidiary Alphabet.

However, this restructuring affects not only the name but also the members of the company. So, Larry Page that until now was known as conejero delegate Google will become the new CEO of Alphabet. Meanwhile, the other founder, Sergey Brin, will become the president of the matrix. Similarly, Eric Schmidt, Google’s current president, will be the end of the year Alphabet CEO. And finally, the product manager of Internet business Google, Sundar Pichai, will be appointed CEO of the new subsidiary Alphabet.


With all these changes, Alphabet is the name with which the American corporation will begin trading later this year on Nasdaq, retain the symbol GOOG. Although the announcement came as a surprise to almost everyone, it is a logical path considering diversification of its operations for the past two years. And, from a simple search engine, Google has become a corporation that is engaged in the distribution of audiovisual content, which develops mobile phones, which has its own payment system at the same time developing projects such as Life Sciences or Calico in the field of health.

Larry Page has shared the reason for this restructuring: “Google is not a conventional company and does not intend never be ‘. I also explained that Google ‘works well, but we believe that we can do more clean and easy to control’. The decision to change will provide greater independence to each of the subsidiaries and prevent the development of certain parts of the business end up affecting and conditioning the others.

Thus, the new restructuring of Google under the umbrella of Alphabet responds to the need to improve the management placing a much more independent structure companies belonging to Google, such as the division of capital investments Google Ventures, Google Capital or subsidiaries research and development as Google X.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.