The Future of Work: Strategies for HR Leaders
The landscape of work is evolving at a breathtaking pace, driven by technological innovation and changing employee expectations. Human resource professionals stand at the forefront of this transformation, tasked with managing these changes while...
How Marketing is Revolutionized by Digital Transformation?
The marketing industry has been most affected by the evolution of digital technology. From marketers focusing on newspapers, billboards, magazines and television to implement their marketing strategy, the emphasis has now shifted to the...
Why is the Digital Transformation the need of the hour for Business Transformation?
‘Evolve or Die’. Sounds familiar to you? Definitely not a cliché when you consider that most enterprises, organizations, small businesses and even startups have joined the bandwagon of digital disruption. More than the question...
Digital Business Transformation Strategy: Digital Transformation Trends to Watch Out for
Digital transformation—one term that has been thrown around a lot, but we are still struggling to meet the expectations of this aggressive disruptor. Businesses often consider this ‘phenomena’ as an overhaul, where they need...
The Book Fair Against Self-Publishing
A Book Fair against books, authors and publishers? It seems a joke, but it is not. The Madrid Book Fair, which opened its doors last May 26, has again denied access to publishers dedicated...
Prisa and Amazon – The death of the traditional kiosk
A few days ago, the news broke that the trade union of kiosks was planning to boycott the distribution of the newspaper El País. The reason was almost obvious: Prisa and Amazon had just...
Digital Transformation Will Be The Center Of Madrid Eshow 2016
Celebration of the eShow Madrid 2016 The seventh edition of eShow Madrid 2016 has positioned itself as the largest fair of eCommerce and Digital Marketing in Spain and Latin America. If you are digital...
Schools And Digital Transformation
Perhaps belatedly and with many difficulties, unequally (without a minimum symmetry to ensure equality of educational system), without proper guidance and without strategy. But, despite all these problems, and digital transformation schools are beginning...
5 Trends And 5 Technologies In Online Tourism Industry
If we had to highlight a sector that has demonstrated effectiveness, flexibility and adaptability to the digital environment, sure many would agree in pointing tourism and leisure. Almost without realizing it, we have forgotten...
How Has It Affected Digitization Traditional Businesses ? Interviewed Lorenzo Todeschini
The digital transformation has involved changes in most of the sectors. From DigitalMTrends wanted to know firsthand how this change has affected large and small companies. On this occasion, we interviewed Lorenzo Todeschini,...