Organizing Events: Keys To Success

Organizing Events

Organizing Events

Organize any event requires a global strategic planning in which we must consider a number of keys that help us achieve the goal we seek, transmit brand values and create experiences that will endure in the minds of the participants.

The great advantage of organizing a successful event is to reinforce the brand image and reputation.

Keys to success in organizing events

1. Be clear about the main purpose for which the event is held. We must ask, what do I want to achieve with this activity ?, What I seek and I need to get it ?, is not the same loyalty VIP customers, present a product in general or to a conference of 1,000 people when what you want is to create an image close. To set the target note that guests must have a good reason / hook to go.

2. Familiarity with the values of the company. An event is a great opportunity to convey the brand image of the company and the values in each of the details: design, colors, scenery, activities … We have to think at all times, what we want to convey?

3. Put yourself in the customer. Try to think of the expectations that have the customer in order to satisfy them. What would you like to find? What services require ?. Focus more on your satisfaction than on the number of guests. Your satisfaction will be the most successful because if you get properly convey the message will then be the ones who take care of viralizarlo.

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4. Develop a detailed plan. A good timetabled plan or script is essential for the event to a successful conclusion. Within the strategy you should include all aspects that make the event as timing, content, messages to be transmitted, needs decoration, merchandising … and the budget of the shares not overcome it.

5. Generate experiences. Opting for custom, original and unique events. It is the only way that the event will be remembered. Generate original feelings and creative actions help it. Even before the event begins you should raise expectations through the posts you make.

6. Taking care of all the details. All the little details will make it a pleasant experience and therefore easier to remember.

– Technology and audiovisual equipment. Always keep them in mind when looking for a location and always book it with time. A screen, projector or iPad help give visibility to the event. Performs sound checks before they reach the audience.

– Place of the event. It is not just a matter of square meters. In the imagination is the limit from conventional events in halls or hotels, even in a theater, neighborhood market or stud farm in the countryside. Please note local accessibility, size and purpose of the event. Confirm in advance the date and find the perfect place. If location is complicated, provides maps directions or if you have enough budget put a transport. You’ll have to look out for in lighting, green areas, smoking areas, plugs, spaces … Think you might encounter unforeseen weather such as rain or strong wind, so you should always have a Plan B and how additional audiovisual material.

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 – Speakers. You must contact them well in advance to close the topics. It is important to know the purpose of the event and the time available to participate and attending the same type.

– Catering. One of the more enduring memories in the mind is what they have eaten. So, it is imperative that you pay close attention. You can decantarte fashion Finger Food, allowing guests to chat and meet other people while enjoying the cuisine.

– Environment. Often change the lighting may be sufficient to create a different and personalized.

– Details for attendees. A small detail at the end of the event will leave happy. If you can customize you will at the same time advertising.

7. Promote the event. Social networks are a good speaker to report the event. Just as the web, telemarketing actions, sending invitations by emailing or press releases to blogs and specialized media sector.

8. It acts as a great host. Making decisions and allocating resources to meet the guests, make them feel comfortable but without losing sight of the goal of the event. If you convey confidence and trust you have much of assured success.

9. To be advised by experts. Although it may seem that it is something simple is best left to professionals to ensure success.

10. Measures and results ahead of upcoming events. Analyze the results is essential to know the strengths and weaknesses of the event for future editions.

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In short, a correct organization depends on a successful event or conversely that negatively impact the company’s reputation online. To achieve a successful event it needs to be orderly, meticulous and punctual in the planned activities.

However, even if you have all meticulously planned and organized, it may be the case that something does not go as expected, in this case, do not get upset, keep a positive attitude and find the best possible solution.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.