Having and promoting your first video for your brand can be an exciting thought. It is definitely something that you can look forward to especially if you’re itching to have a good material you can use for your marketing campaign.
After all, many companies have discovered that videos can be used as an effective way to boost their online presence and you certainly don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.
But before you get to the part of sharing and promoting your video, you have to pass through a challenging process: video production planning. This is one of the most important stages in corporate video production. Without a good production plan (or failing to stick to and implement one), you won’t get the results you are looking for and all your money and time will simply be wasted.
Effective Video Production Planning 
The whole video production planning process can go smoothly if you take the necessary steps to avoid these pitfalls:
1. Failing to establish what you want for your video.
This is a simple mistake that clients and video production companies often make. However, it is one that can have several repercussions and can be expensive and time-consuming to correct. During the planning stage, everything should be on the table: your goals for the video, your target audience, your proposed concept (if you have one already), the length of the video, and your plan on promoting or marketing it. This means coming up with a good video production strategy. All elements have to be understood, followed, and agreed upon by both parties.
2. An imbalance between professionalism and fun.
If you have a video production company, you always need to bring your top game, even if you just have to come up with a three-minute product video. This means you have to tackle every project with the highest level of professionalism and respect. As a client, you also have to take everything with a touch of fun and excitement as well. Although you’ll be paying for this service, you need to be open-minded and give the production company ample room to showcase their creativity. For both clients and service providers, the right balance between expertise and artistic license should come into play. This can always be achieved through constant. proper, and honest communication.
3. Having a sub-par treatment and storyboard.
In video production, treatment pertains to your summary on how to realize the concept or idea for the video. A storyboard refers to the outline of the various sections of the video. It covers the three important components of the video: the script, the content or what will be shown on the screen, and other key elements such as the music, sound effects, logos, text, animations, etc.
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It is important for video production teams to work hard on these two elements, even if it is just a draft that they need to submit. Many clients consider the first submitted written piece as a critical test of whether the service provider understands their brand and products/services or not. If you’re not impressed and you start doubting your video production company, the project will start going downhill.
4. Not being involved in the casting process.
Even if you have given your production company a free hand with a lot of things, if the script requires a cast or a narrator, talk to the team and let them know what you prefer or what you’re looking for. Ask if you can be included in the selection process so that you won’t be taken aback by any surprises and make any time-consuming last-minute changes.
5. Not having the right equipment.
It isn’t exactly your job to know what type of equipment is needed for the shoot but you would do well to ask the production team if they have access to these. Some of the equipment typically used during a video shoot include cameras, lights, sliders, reflectors, audio equipment, and jibs. Find out if you need to provide some special equipment, props, or products for the shoot.
6. Failure to have contingency plans.
Work with the production team to come up with contingency plans for various elements of the shoot. What should everyone do in case it rains or if there’s a power outage? What happens if a piece of equipment malfunctions or a cast member doesn’t show up? There should be a backup plan for everything when something goes south.
7. Improper or lack of permits.
Lastly, if the script calls for an outdoor setting, make sure all the necessary permits are obtained before the shoot. In case you don’t have all your proper permits filed, this can significantly impact your day of production. Your company can even be fined. Worse the production can be shut down. Make sure all the paperwork is in order before the scheduled shoot.
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The success of your video relies greatly during the production planning stage. Make sure you avoid these pitfalls to get the results you are looking for.