Content Marketing Tips For Every Modern Marketer Infographic

Content Marketing Tips For Every Modern Marketer

‘On average, B2B marketers allocate 28% of their total marketing budget to content marketing.’ – Content Marketing Institute 

‘Content’ is and will be the king of all marketing activities. Be it SEO, Social Media, AdWords or for any other digital channel, everything revolves around content. Thus, it becomes necessary for marketers to have a strong Content Marketing plan so as to overpower the competitors.

Content Marketing Tips For Every Modern Marketer Infographic Share on X

For this, we bring to you top Content Marketing tips leveraging which marketers can conquer the digital world with awesome content:

  • Blog consistently
  • Focus on qualitative content and not the quantity
  • Opt for Guest Blogging & gain backlinks for better SEO visibility
  • Design a plan to build your audience
  • Repurpose old content to fetch value out of it
  • Go in for Content Remarketing
  • Leverage Influencer Marketing as an assured way to attract readers
  • Keep a track of analytics to check the performance of content produced
  • Don’t Just Create One-off Pieces of Content, Create a Series of Posts for Repeat Traffic
  • Employ Basic Conversion Optimization Techniques to Generate Leads Out of All Your Content
  • Keep it short and simple – Use short, sharp headlines that are simple and optimized

Adhering to the aforesaid Content Marketing tips will surely fetch the desired results of getting good visibility on search engines, thus impacting branding and ultimately affecting the lead generation process.

Related articles: Amplifies Content Marketing Beyond Brand Boundaries

Here is the Infographic of Content Marketing Tips For Every Modern Day Marketer.

Content Marketing Tips For Every Modern Marketer Infographic

Infographic Source: Digital Vidya


Jasleen Kaur

A content passionate, Jasleen is designated as Sr. Associate- Content Marketing at Digital Vidya. Besides handling the content writing and marketing activities, she leads Digital Marketing Internship Programme.