12 Advanced Link Building Tactics to Crush SEO in 2020

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12 Advanced Link Building Tactics to Crush SEO in 2020

Why don’t you take out a little time from your schedule and make usage of tools like the Ahrefs or Moz? 

After this find out the top ten ranking pages on the first page of Google. It will provide us with valuable keywords easily. One of the most common things about all of them is the presence of quality backlinks. Behind the doors, more than half of these top-ranking websites are using the highly advanced link building tactics that can be surfed out below.

12 Advanced Link Building Tactics to Crush SEO in 2020 Share on X

One of the natural things about the same is to turn towards the first page by the organic search engine optimization for any kind of precious search term, it does not happen by chance or through blind luck. Though it is still possible for achieving the first page positions without the usage of active link building, it takes an exceptional level of skill for a lesser competition of the keyword research accompanied by a great level of patience for Google to find out, index and rank on the pages. 

Link Building Tactics 2020

But, no one likes the waiting game, right? 

Since we know that it is completely impossible to win the competition for the organic search traffic in a specific niche without the initiation of the quality links, so let us find out what can be done to move the way with the techniques. 

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The broken link building process

For a long time and work, any of the reasons, the pages on the website of competitors are often deleted. Half of the times a complete website turns often lined whenever a business closes the shop. During this process, the link moving towards the deleted pages or website is said to be broken. While observing this scenario, an individual non-existing competitor website page can have hundreds to more than a thousand broken links point towards them. The user’s responsibility here is to make usage of the tools like Ahrefs or the other ones for searching out and working for the replacement with the help of outreach. 

Brand Mentions

Whenever people state the brands in their blog posts or other places on the internet, it indicates awareness. These are the right link building approaches that can raise the referring domain count over time. Unluckily, there is a rare possibility of keeping the tabs on every web destination wherever people have mentioned or are mentioning the name of their brand. With various tools like Awario and Mention, one can start to get real-time alerts whenever someone mentioned the name of the brand from the links involved in this type of alert. 


This can be a great tool, information-rich report of industry or an embedded infographic. These kinds of things can move towards the command quality backlinks freely. At some point in time, you can freely decide to do a level of promotion for similar people to be aware of the resources. 

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Exploration of backlinks 

Most of the competitors who rank on the first and foremost page of Google are mainly present there for a reason. There is no possibility of the links being present by any chance. Another clear indication regarding the same is that Google respects every type of backlink that is pointing towards their website. Rather than doing the guesswork, it is better to look out for the link research tool for the competitors. 

Link Rounds 

More than half of the brands have the approach of a collection of links so that they can lead towards the resources and some amazing news in the industry itself. One of the most interesting things about the same is that the overall links of the websites collected by us are reciprocated by sharing the content that undertakes the expansion of opportunities for the people out there. It is helpful for them to search and link to the website. But, the main motive is to search for the website in the genre that does a lot of link rounds up. Try to reach out and provide suggestions for similar resources, content, or tools on the website. 

The special technique 

There is no doubt about the fact that the competitors ranking on the first page of Google can be an original pointer on the implementation process of the entire link building technique. The name of the technique has been taken from the name of an SEO expert Brian Dean. It is a complete process of looking into the pieces of content that rank for the targeted keywords. Creation of better content like rising the word count, the addition of better images, expert quotes, statistics, better links, and infographics. 

Fruitful Research 

Viewing the advanced link creation technique is not all for writing a generic ebook if the purpose is the generation of lead. The main thing about real research is that it bestows the brand with a distinctive opportunity for sharing insightful revelations related to the industry. The great distinctiveness is something that attracts many people for linking to the actual research reports naturally.

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Appearances by Podcast 

The reason for this step to be interesting is that it brings in the relativity of new and unfiltered in most of the different markets. Naturally, a lot of podcasts hosts are making lucrative efforts for the promotion of the podcasts towards the newer audiences. More are the promotions done by them, more are the number of links they receive, and the same process can help the websites that are linked towards them. With the help of podcasting, one can get the benefit of quality link building and growth of the brand awareness. 


If we look out and research the competitors’ basic backlinks, then one can surely notice that there are some backlinks in common as well that are not with us. So, why not tune in to manage to get these backlinks for your business? Try to analyze the backlinks and attain them. 

Indirect Links 

Obtaining indirect backlinks from the competitors is another deal. Most of the competitors are busy linking to similar websites. LJT is a platform where one can search for places where the competitors are basically linking their process. These websites are majorly the large authorities in the fields of industry. 

Dead Backlinks 

Sometimes there is a possibility of the presence of the broken links on the website. This might be the case of the location of the website page alters or in case another webmaster misspells the link. In both cases, the backlinks will turn to the 404  error. 

Mentions into Backlinks 

If you are looking for the simplest method for gaining a bunch of newer backlinks, then you should definitely go for adding the mentions to the backlinks. If another person or business mentioned your product or business already but did not add the link to the website, then it is better to get in touch with the webmaster and ask them to convert the mentions into the backlinks. 

Let’s swing in with the best digital marketing company and build the best link approaches!  

General FAQs

What is link building strategy?

Link building, simply put, is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. All marketers and business owners should be interested in building links to drive referral traffic and increase their site’s authority.

Is link building still relevant to SEO?

The landscape of SEO and link building is always changing, and today, the importance of building high-quality links has never been higher. The need to understand and implement high-quality campaigns is essential if you’re going to compete and thrive online, and that isn’t going to change any time soon.

What are SEO backlinks?

Backlinks are incoming links to a webpage. When a webpage links to any other page, it’s called a backlink. In the past, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks tended to rank higher on all major search engines, including Google.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.