8 Best WordPress Plugins for WordPress Developer

WordPress Developer Plugins

There are a huge number of plugins accessible to WordPress clients. Such a large number of, actually, that it’s hard to tell which ones truly have any kind of effect and which are overhyped. Bounty offers valuable specialty arrangements, yet few are really should have most promosing WordPress plugins for google analytics for all destinations.

8 Best WordPress Plugins for WordPress Developer Share on X

Regardless of what sort of site you’re running, or what specialty it has a place with, there are sure plugins that you’ll need to introduce. What’s more, those are the instruments we will talk about today.

In this article, we will acquaint you with nine must-have WordPress plugins and clarify what makes everyone stick out. Even better, we’re likewise going to give genuine information to legitimize why we think each plugins is basic.

How about we get right to it!

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is by a wide margin the most mainstream SEO apparatus in the WordPress scene, and it’s anything but difficult to perceive any reason why it’s one of our must-have WordPress plugins. Not exclusively would it be able to assist you with improving your SEO, it can even investigate your substance’s meaningfulness. About 79% of clients just output through your posts and pages, so the more available your duplicate is, the more prominent your possibility of holding their consideration.

Undoubtedly, there are a lot of approaches to direct people to your site. In any case, none proposal as much potential as web crawlers. Every day, Google alone handles more than nine billion pursuits. It is anything but an embellishment to state that natural traffic can represent the moment of truth a site, and you can’t accept your way to the top as a rule. Just to commute home that point, just 5% of web search tool traffic drives clients to paid outcomes. That is the reason for taking a shot at your catchphrase system is basic for each site.

Key Features:

  • Upgrade your WordPress posts and pages utilizing catchphrases and meta depictions.
  • Perceive how well your substance is at present upgraded, and make enhancements without any problem.
  • Improve your substance’s lucidness with basic hints.


The base variant of Yoast SEO is 100% free, and there’s an excellent form with extra highlights.

2. UpdraftPlus


A normal of 30,000 sites get hacked each day. At the point when you consider the way that WordPress controls almost 30% of locales on the web, you can perceive any reason why it’s a successive objective. Also, portions of your WordPress site can here, and there quit working because of straightforward blunders.

For instance, if a great many people utilize 10 or fewer plugins on their locales and half of those get month to month refreshes, unmistakably the danger of running into similarity mistakes is normal. A solitary late reinforcement can spare you a huge amount of cerebral pains, regardless of whether you’ve been assaulted, experience a similarity issue, or essentially need to relocate your site.

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This is the place our next must-have WordPress plugins becomes an integral factor. There are a lot of WordPress reinforcement plugins accessible on the web, yet not many of them are as ground-breaking and simple to use as UpdraftPlus. It incorporates various distributed storage choices to shield your reinforcements. What’s more, you can even robotize your reinforcements with a common timetable.

Key Features:

  • Make programmed or manual reinforcements of your site.
  • Store your reinforcements locally or on the cloud.
  • Reestablish your site to a past state.


There are both free and premium forms of UpdraftPlus accessible.

3. Optimole


Pictures take up over half of the normal page size. That implies enhancing your pictures can have a gigantic effect on your site’s page load times.

For what reason is that significant? In such a case that your site takes over three seconds to stack, over a large portion of your guests will forsake it.

On the off chance that that isn’t stressing enough, 79% of online customers probably won’t come back to your site on the off chance that they discover its presentation dreary. While pictures aren’t the main thing that impacts site execution, upgrading your WordPress pictures is a key segment of improving your page load times.

Optimole takes each realistic you transfer to WordPress and upgrades it with the goal that it occupies less room. Notwithstanding that, it utilizes a cloud-based framework to accelerate your site. Optimole auto-identifies the screen size and resizes pictures to give a quick stacking, responsive experience to your clients.

Key Features:

  • Consequently pack your pictures.
  • Upgrade your JPEG and PNG pictures.
  • Mass upgrade any old pictures that you have
  • Resize any pictures you transfer to your site.
  • Supports both Retina and WebP pictures.
  • Utilizations worldwide CDN.
  • Good with present day page developers like Elementor.


This plugin is free for up to 5,000 visits for each month. From that point onward, you can settle on the superior form for $22.52/month charged every year.

4. Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post

Internet based life is the wellspring of over 30% of referral traffic to most sites.

That implies you’re missing out on an enormous measure of expected traffic on the off chance that you don’t stay dynamic via web-based networking media. Just to give you a thought, roughly 2 billion and 300 million clients sign into Facebook and Twitter separately every month. On the off chance that each post on those systems can expand your odds of coming to even a fragment of those clients, it implies that the plugins we need to bring up to you here is certainly worth your time.

The first of the must-have plugins on our rundown is Revive Old Post. It’s intended to help drive more traffic to your site through online networking. To achieve this, the plugins takes your site’s new and old distributions and consequently shares them to Twitter and Facebook.

Key Features:

  • Offer your new and old presents on Twitter and Facebook naturally.
  • Set a timetable for your web-based social networking distributions.
  • Incorporate hashtags and connections back to your site.


There are both free and premium forms accessible.

5. WP Rocket

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is an amazing storing plugins that encourages you to accelerate your stacking times. It does this by making reserved duplicates of each progressively created page on your site, so your servers need to accomplish less work.

We’ve just discussed why snappy page load times are basic, and storing arrangements can be a much more viable arrangement than picture enhancement. For instance, the W3 Total Cache plugin can diminish your stacking times by over 43% by and large.

WP Rocket improves – in our storing plugin tests, it diminished page load times by an astounding 63%. It may not be free, yet the outcomes are more than justified, despite all the trouble, particularly if there are transformations on the line.

Key Features:

  • Store your site’s powerfully created pages.
  • Improve client end program storing.
  • Empower lethargic stacking for quicker stacking occasions.
  • Incorporate your storing arrangement with a Content Delivery Network (CDN).


WP Rocket is an excellent device that begins at $49 for a solitary site’s year-long permit.

6. Elementor


With over 4,000,000+ Elementor is probably the coolest expansion in our must-have WordPress plugins list. It is a topic developer that enables you to redo any component on your site.

This implies you don’t need to be a web improvement enthusiast to include every one of those cool impacts like foundation overlays, float impacts, activitys, and the sky is the limit from there, it should all be possible with a basic intuitive. It is completely perfect with the Gutenberg editorial manager and different WordPress plugins on this rundown.

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Elementor is valuable for the individuals who need to make a wonderful point of arrival for their business. It is additionally a decent decision for the individuals who need to have a custom subject for their site however don’t have profound pockets to recruit an advancement organization costing a great many bucks.

Key Features:

  • Select from 150+ flawlessly fabricated layouts from the Elementor library.
  • Make an offer with a basic intuitive.
  • Assemble a completely responsive site without any preparation.


Elementor plugin is accessible for nothing on the WordPress catalog. You can make an essential site with restricted usefulness utilizing the free plugins, or utilize effectively constructed layouts with no expense. For opening an exceptional variant, you’d have to purchase Elementor Pro by choosing one of the accompanying plans:

  • Individual – $49 every year for one site
  • Additionally – $99 every year for three locales
  • Master – $199 every year for 1,000 destinations

7. WPForms


WPForms is an astonishing WordPress plugin for building lovely structures with basic drag and drops. This plugin offers an ideal mix of valuable highlights and simplicity of utilization. It is profoundly easy to understand and portable responsive.

A capacity to make eye-snappy contact structures without chipping away at CSS is one of the main reasons why over 3+ million sites are utilizing it as of now.

The exhausting Contact Form 7 is certainly not a decent choice except if you are utilizing it for an individual blog highlighting stories and related posts. WPForms gives you an adjustable, current contact structure that improves collaboration as well as creates better changes, gets more review results, and considerably more.

Key Features:

  • Make an alluring contact structure for nothing.
  • Spare your time with pre-assembled structure layouts.


WPForms Lite is accessible for nothing and functions admirably for locales that need to utilize it on their contact page. WPForms Pro will open more highlights and combinations. You will approach a great deal of free structure layouts for $39.50 every year.

8. Otter


Otter is a lightweight WordPress plugins for adding helpful usefulness to Gutenberg. It is a library including Gutenberg formats and extra squares.

While Gutenberg is a pleasant substitution for WordPress great manager, there’s as yet far not far off for Gutenberg to offer premium class usefulness. In any case, you can introduce Otter for including Gutenberg squares and make instinctive pages with Gutenberg.

Key Features:

  • Include Google maps and propelled heading square.
  • Make an alluring contact structure for nothing.
  • 13+ Gutenberg hinders for one of a kind pages.


Otter is a free WordPress plugins.


This finishes up our rundown of the best WordPress plugins for all wordpress developer.

Contingent upon your business, you should not have to utilize all the WordPress plugins and instruments referenced in our rundown, however it’s entirely regular for our per users to wind up utilizing in any event 5 to 6 arrangements that we have referenced.

General FAQs

How many plugins should I use in WordPress?

Too many plugins can lead to security breaches on your site, site crashes, bad performance, slow loading speeds, and more. A good rule of thumb is to never exceed 20 plugins. If your site is hosted on shared or budget cloud hosting, try not to use more than 5 plugins.

How do plugins work on WordPress?

Each WordPress plugin installed on your site is registered in your WordPress database. You can activate and deactivate them at any time you want. Upon each visit, WordPress connects to the database, loads the core software, and then loads your active plugins.

Why do we need plugins?

Plugins are great resources because they allow your site to do things it otherwise wouldn’t be able to do. But, the more plugins you have, the greater the risk of problems occurring within your site. Plugin problems can be random and unexpected, or more specific issues related to plugin or WordPress upgrades.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.