Millions of Facebook users are already dead, reveals a study

Millions of Facebook Users

Millions of Facebook Users

According to an online heritage planning company, by the end of this century, Facebook might begin to feel more like a digital cemetery than a living place.

According to a study conducted by Beyond Digital, Facebook currently has 15 million users, of whom millions are already dead. It is a study that seeks to put into perspective how it is that in the social network there are not only active users, but also profiles of users who have already died.

According to this company, often, when people die loved ones turn their profiles into memorials, which are basically digital tombstones where family and friends express their condolences and thoughts. The question that arises from this is that if each Facebook user is “immortalized“, at what point these digital stencils outnumber the profiles of people who are still alive.

In fact and according to the calculations that have been made, by the year 2098, users killed on Facebook will outperform live users. It is also important to mention that while it is true that this date is quite accurate, there are actually some flaws in the model. It is assumed that all those who die are remembered and the use of death rate data in the United States for users around the world is a very approximate way to calculate the demise of users worldwide.

On the one hand, Americans’ life expectancy differs from people in other countries, in addition to the United States disease center, it classifies age groups differently than does Facebook with its users.

Related articles: Facebook: Promotional Platform For Your Personal Brand

The truth is that there is no magic calculation or model that allows to determine the base of Facebook users who will die or increase.

What is a fact is that at this time Facebook users are very young, more than 60% of users are under 35 years and less than 5% are over 65 years. Share on X

If Facebook’s global growth stagnates or gets lost in favor of young people, this could happen even faster than previously thought. In any case and according to all these estimates, chances are that very soon on Facebook we will see a lot of people dead compared to the amount of people who remain active. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.