How to improve the visibility of my web

Web visibility

Web visibility

The phrase “If you’re not in google, you do not exist” becomes more and more important. 

The search engine par excellence has become the place to which all consumers access to find all kinds of information. Whether about products, brands, recommendations, opinions and everything we can imagine.

How to improve the visibility of my web Share on X

Being present in Google searches has become a basic objective for any company. Even if the focus of your core business is not online, the minimal presence of the brand is mandatory to build trust and a positive brand image.

Therefore, the debate that a few years ago had about whether a company should have a presence or not in the digital world is over. The answer is directly YES.

Working on improving the visibility of a brand is not easy. Although it is always necessary to start at the beginning.

Start by making a positioning report

Appearing in the top positions of Google, thus having greater visibility for certain search terms depends on hundreds of factors that the search engine takes into account.

Specifically, Google analyzes more than 200 to evaluate the different URLs and draw the conclusions of which best satisfies the user’s search intention to position it on the first page.

Possibly you are thinking And how can I know the status of my website for all these factors? There is a wide variety of tools to know the status of a specific website, such as the websites of our competition. Although it is necessary to know the operation of each of them and have the knowledge of how to apply that information to the business vision.

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Taking into account that it is possibly the first contact you have with web positioning, the recommendation is that you first make a positioning report that will give you many clues about the status of your site.

Through this type of initial reports an in-depth analysis is made of the main factors of positioning that Google has in mind when giving visibility to a website from a technical perspective. Both SEO Onpage optimization and SEO Offpage.

On the other hand, you can never leave out the business vision, since it is the basis that we are interested in having more visibility in Google. Therefore, it will be important to define target audiences, define content strategies, capture leads, improve ROI, increase the conversion rate and improve the reputation of the brand.

Actually, more and more strategies to achieve greater online visibility are becoming the essence of the business vision. Since it will be necessary a complete strategy to implement the brand image on the site, offer valuable content with a specific goal, measure the results and analyze if the objectives are being achieved.

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You can not understand the definition of actions without planning a bottom-up strategy that is aligned with the business objectives.

Therefore, getting more visibility online requires having a comprehensive vision. Both from a technical and business perspective. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.