Social Media Marketing Strategy To Boost Ecommerce Traffic?

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Social platforms have emerged into an important medium for brands and businesses to sell their products. It is predicted that top brands will have 85% of business through social selling by 2023. All the major social platforms are giving massive importance to e-commerce by even dedicating separate sections for merchandise.

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Moreover, people have also got used to the habit of going with social platforms for making purchases. In a recent survey, 65% of people who took part in it have expressed that social platforms play a significant role in their purchase decisions. Here, we spill the beans to level-up your social selling and take your business to the next level.

Uplift Your Sales With Videos:

In 2020, all the major social platforms are video-centric. People spend most of their time on Facebook and Instagram by watching videos. By 2023, 85% of online content is predicted to be in the form of videos. As video conception is only expected to surge further in the coming years, promoting your business through social platforms will be an ideal move.

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Facebook has a separate section dedicated to videos. Instagram has an IGTV platform for videos. Moreover, many of the social platforms that have gained enormous reach in recent times are video-centric. This shows that people are easily driven by video content. So, promote your product by utilizing videos and reach as many people as possible. All the major social platforms are flooded with Generation Z and Millenials. These age groups used to and prefer watching video content rather than any other form of content. Moreover, the advent of new types of videos such as 360-degree videos, Time-lapse videos, Stop motion videos, and live videos can be used effectively to maximize the conversion rate. 

Join Hands With Influencers:

Influencers are dominating the social platforms as their content is mostly becoming viral. Today, influencers across all the major social platforms enjoy a huge fan following. The followers count of these influencers keeps increasing consistently due to their ability to deliver quality content. Many of the influencers have earned the trust of the people through the content they have provided. So, collaborate with the influencer who has garnered a good reputation among people. Since influencers already have a huge fan, promoting your product through them will help you reach a large number of people easily. People can be convinced to purchase a product or service only if it has gained their trust. So, going with influencers will help you gain the trust of people easily without putting much effort. Join hands with the influencer who has a huge fan following and could align with the characteristics of your brand. Even renowned brands are collaborating with influencers to get into the hearts and minds of Generation Z. So, choose the influencer based on your budget and take your business to a new level. 

Take Advantage Of Instagram:

Nearly 85% of fashion and apparel brands have their presence on Instagram. Many of these brands concentrate on Instagram to enhance their social selling. Because, from a while ago, Instagram has added features to its application that could help brands to showcase their product and to allure people. For instance, the stories section on Instagram could be taken advantage of in the best possible way to drive your growth. Following the right strategy will not only increase your Insta follower list, but it will also help you get more buyers. Marketers opined that the stories section on Instagram provides a 4x higher engagement rate than usual Instagram posts. So, rather than focusing on making posts on Instagram, take advantage of Instagram stories and add a call to action. Once you make a convincing post to your stories section with a call to action added to it, possibilities are high for the viewer to purchase your product.

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You can also make use of shoppable posts to maximize the conversion rates with Instagram. Once you come up with an alluring image of your product with shoppable pins added to it, you could easily get in touch with a large number of easily. So, take advantage of the shoppable posts in the best possible ways and maximize your social selling. In recent times, many businesses are making their way into Instagram to enhance their business. 

Go With AI:

Make use of Artificial Intelligence in the best possible to implement a killer social media strategy. One should stay updated about the latest technologies and changes. Many Artificial Intelligence tools are available on the internet, taking advantage of which one could frame a killer social marketing strategy effortlessly. In recent times, many brands have achieved a higher conversion rate with Artificial Intelligence. Go with an equipped AI tool that drives all the valuable insights about a prospect and helps you frame a well-equipped social media strategy. AI has lessened the burden of marketers as it carries many of the tasks assigned to it faster and more effectively than humans. In recent times, many brands have achieved staggering growth by making use of Artificial Intelligence. So, incorporate AI tools that ease many of your tasks alongside doing them effectively.

Go With Chatbots: 

Chatbots can be used as an efficient tool to drive as many people and maximize your conversion rate. Chatbots can be used as a tool for starting a conversation and to get in touch with a large number of people easily. There are many chatbot tools available on the internet using which you could quickly build a tool for you.  Incorporate chatbots as part of the messaging applications. If people view your product, they could have queries on it. Chatbots are known for offering an instantaneous reply to people.

Moreover, people are craving for instant replies. If they feel that they are getting delayed responses from any customer, they could easily shift to another service provider. To sort this out, brands have employed chatbots due to their ability to deliver an instantaneous reply and solve the queries of the customers at a fast pace. So, incorporate chatbots as part of messaging platforms, which is essential to keep your customer base.

Avail Benefits Of Live:

The live feature avails huge benefits for brands, which assure enormous engagement rates to them. Hence, you can make use of the live feature on social platforms and enhance your growth at a quick pace. You can make use of the live feature to promote new products and for product tutorials. You can also interact with people through live sessions and know about their feedback and expectations, which will drive you to increase your product’s sales. Moreover, you can drive people effortlessly to your page with services like Trollishly.


Today, social platforms have evolved into the primary platform for brands to maximize their conversion rates quickly. So, take note of the insights that are listed above and increase your social sales. 

General FAQs

Why is social media strategy important?

It’s an essential way for companies to reach consumers, and when done correctly, tells those consumers that their brand is active and focused on communication. The longer you wait, the more you have to lose. When done effectively, social media marketing can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more engagement.

What is a social media strategy?

A social media strategy is a summary of everything you plan to do and hope to achieve on social media. It guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re succeeding or failing. The more specific your plan is, the more effective it will be.

What is eCommerce and how does it work?

eCommerce is the process of buying and selling of products or services, making money transfers, and transferring data over an electronic medium (Internet). This network allows people to do business without the constraint of distance and time.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.