Is it still profitable to create an ecommerce sex shop in Spain?

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Ecommerce Sex Shop

Ecommerce Sex Shop

The Internet has changed our way of life. Over time, the human being has been accommodating to the point that technology solves many of their usual problems or facilitates much of the day to day tasks. And precisely one of those tasks is to buy.

The consumer has learned to move in the online environment and to visit the different online stores and ecommerce available to purchase products that meet their needs and desires. The big advantage is that now, thanks to the Internet and different technologies, you can do it from home, click to hit and with a much more extensive variety than is usually found in any physical store. 

So is the ecommerce world. And, in fact, that buying facility for the Internet user who only has to access the Internet through his mobile device, to do a Google search and to add a product to the cart has been the one that has marked the exponential evolution of the stores Online in Spain.

There are many cases of successful online stores that could be analyzed, but the erotic sector and the growth of the online sex shop in Spain is one of the most curious. Stores such as kicked off and are now positioned on the first page of Google for certain search results related to the products of their store.

Digital strategy to position an online sex shop

An online erotic store is not much different from the rest of websites as far as SEO positioning is concerned. has managed to reach the top positions of Google thanks to its onpage optimization, the quality of its texts and many other well-worked SEO factors.

Digital strategy to position an online sex shop Share on X

However, it should be noted that the erotic sector has more complicated when it comes to performing its linkbuilding or external link strategy. The vast majority of sites reject linking to sexually oriented sites like a sex shop. This is not a mentality open to these stores that currently uses a large number of Spaniards, but there is a fear that Google retaliates against the pages that include those outbound links totally different from its theme.

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In this sense, any owner of a sex shop online will have to find the “mañas” to get quality links and improve their SEO off page, which, to this day, remains one of the most important factors to reach the top positions Of the search engines.

A very effective SEO strategy is to buy links in digital newspapers. Not everyone supports the inclusion of links of erotic content and even, in the case of newspapers that do admit them, the content should be written with a focus more oriented to women’s health, society or relationships. For this, we recommend the use of platforms such as Unancor.

Gain more visibility

Leaving aside the SEO off page and assuming SEO on page is perfect, there are other ways to gain visibility for an online erotic store. One of the most common ways is to use an Inbound Marketing strategy focused on interesting blog content that solves the usual doubts of men and women as far as sexual issues are concerned. It is a good way to attract the attention of this type of users and the most common is to do it through social networks and the web positioning for searches related to those sexual doubts. 

In the case of, we can see that it has a blog of sexuality and eroticism in which they deal with interesting topics related to what we have. For example: how to use a vibrating ring, erogenous male and female zones or tips to start in the BDSM world.

If in addition to using the Inbound Marketing to increase web traffic interested in the subject is invested in payment advertising, it is very likely that the visits will skyrocket. Of course, the competition of the sector is very high when optimizing the CPC of Google Adwords and can become an investment too expensive. That is why it is important to measure the ROI and to know if it is a strategy that compensates in sales.

Related articles: SEO Copywriting: Persuasive Positioning

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize the important role that copywriting plays in any type of online store, but much more in the case of a sex shop. A persuasive writing focused on selling, which is also able to put the hair on the edge of the user and generate desire to test the product is the key to increase sales of a sex shop online.

If you add an attractive brand image for the user to remember and quality images that invite you to a world of sexual fantasy you have more than half the way done.

In any case, whatever the web positioning strategy, it is clear that the exponential growth of the online sex shop in Spain has a lot to do with the openness of mind and the greater freedom of men and women in sexual matters. Few people are scandalized when talking about a vibrator or a meeting tuppersex in which have all kinds of erotic toys. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.