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Email Marketing Strategy

Small Business Email Marketing Strategy & Tips for 2022

It’s not an understatement to say that email marketing is the king of marketing. Email marketing is cost-effective and gives better ROI than other marketing channels in the market. Every dollar spent on email...
Email Writing Marketing Mistakes

7 Email Writing Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them in 2022

Email marketing has proven to be one of the most efficient advertisement channels for businesses worldwide. According to Tech Jury, 87% of marketers plan to invest more resources into email marketing in 2022, with...
Email Marketing Tips

Using Email Marketing to Connect with Customers

Email marketing is still one of the best avenues to promote your brand. Despite the technological advances in digital marketing like social media, video marketing, AR development, influencer marketing, and more, email marketing can...
How To Grow Your Small Business - Email Marketing Automation Tips

How To Grow Your Small Business – Email Marketing Automation Tips

Scaling your business is hard. It takes considerable effort. In the beginning, it means wearing different hats.  Why automate email marketing? Automation improves time-consuming and repetitive business processes or tasks. Businesses are able to...
Email Marketing Strategy 9 Tips for an Effective Email Marketing Audit

Email Marketing Strategy: 9 Tips for an Effective Email Marketing Audit

Sending automated emails to your subscribers is a cost-effective marketing tool, but are the emails you’re sending out the best they can be?  One way to highlight any problems or weaknesses is to conduct...