From property developments to hotels and malls, there is almost no industry that isn’t already benefiting from the usage of digital signage.
After all, digital signage is all about results and creating organic viewer experiences while also saving valuable time and resources.
The 5 Qualities of Compelling Digital Signage Share on XIn fact, no matter what your message is or where you need to announce it, digital signage is undoubtedly the most efficient and affordable method for getting the word out.
Read on for the 5 qualities of compelling digital signage.
1. Content
First and foremost, if you want to have compelling digital signage, you need to be showing content that is worthy of attention. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done as most people are bombarded with so much information daily that it can be challenging to attract their attention; however, that shouldn’t be discouraging.
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Instead, it means you need to think outside the box when it comes to your digital signage content while still ensuring that all the information presented is essential and straightforward to understand – simplicity is always preferable. Keep in mind that your digital signage content is entirely customizable and can be quickly and easily updated as often as you want.
2. Graphics and Colors
Speaking of simplicity, the best digital signage companies in Dubai will tell you that even if you are tempted to combine a surplus of graphics and colors in hopes of catching people’s eyes, this is not the appropriate way to approach digital signage.
In fact, too many colors or graphics can be off-putting, which is exactly the opposite of what you are (presumably) going for with your digital signage efforts. Instead, utilize a simple color scheme and an easy-to-read font so that you can appeal to (and be read by) a broad audience.
3. Branding
The most compelling and effective digital signage not only provides essential information and attracts people’s attention, but it also manages to include the aesthetics and personality of the brand to which it belongs. This means that you need to inject your brand values into the signage and always be emphasizing what makes you different from your competitors.
If you are unsure about how to translate your brand into your digital signage, then opt to work with signage and wayfinding consultants in Dubai who can help make your vision a reality.
4. Call to action
In order to utilize your digital signage to guide your target audience, you need to include a call to action somewhere in the content to make it as easy as possible for your viewers to identify how to reach you about the message or advertisement.
Otherwise, they aren’t going to perceive what their next step should be regarding their relationship with your business, and it would be a shame for you not to take this opportunity while you have their attention. To help encourage them to act on what they have seen, begin the call to action with an action verb, as this will bring a sense of urgency.
5. Positioning
Last but not least, your digital signage needs to be located in an area that is conducive to getting your message across. By carefully positioning your digital signs, you are aiding them in reaching as many of the right people as possible (that is key) while also immersing these individuals in your brand.
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The content will determine the appropriate location (who are you trying to reach and where are they?), while you then need to consider the high traffic areas, viewing height, and any surrounding competing visuals. This could potentially be the most challenging part of the whole design, but it is also crucial to get it right if you want the best ROI possible.
Does your company utilize digital signage? If so, how and where? If not, what is stopping you?
Do you have any additional questions about digital signage that haven’t been covered in this article?
Let us know in the comments below!
General FAQs
Digital signage is a sub-segment of signage. Digital signs use technologies such as LCD, LED and Projection to display content such as digital images, video etc.
To increase a company’s brand visibility. Digital signage can cut through those distractions by attracting and directing the attention of the most important potential buyers of all those in a store who are ready to spend money on a purchase.
Digital signage’s content is powered by a media player or system-on-a-chip which pushes content to a display. Users can then manage the content with a content management system, either on-site or within the cloud to change up content on the fly.